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Playzee Casino - Will not refund deposits to underage gambler


Complaint Info

Disputed casino

Playzee Casino


$ 19000

Inactive user
Posted on October 18, 2019


I am 16 years old and deposited all my money at Playzee Casino. I had to send them all my documents first. My parents were mad at me that i lost my money. Later i found out that in some cases the casino has to return the made deposits. First, i did not know this. I sent all my documents and it took more than a month for the casino to come to a conclusion. They emailed me this:

Dear < personal info removed >,

We confirm we have revisited your dispute and the decision stands.

We draw your attention to Clause 4 of our Terms and Conditions which state:

4.1 By opening an account with us and/or by using the Website you:

• are at least 18 years of age and above the legal age for gambling in the jurisdiction you are a resident;

Furthermore, our terms and conditions clearly state at clause 9.2 that our products are consumed instantly when playing or betting. Thus, we cannot provide returns of goods, refunds or cancellation of your service when playing or betting. If you play a game or service with real money, the money will be drawn from your player account instantly.

Your request for a refund of deposits has therefore not accepted.

I went to the terms and conditions of Playzee and they said the following :


AGE VERIFICATION: Electronic age verification checks are carried out and we may make use of third party agencies to confirm your age. We may require and request further information directly from you. If, upon completion of Verification Checks (or subsequently) you are ultimately proven to be underage: (i) your account will be closed; (ii) any winnings obtained while using the Website will be retained by us; and (iii) all funds deposited by you will be returned by a method determined by us. Any monies already withdrawn will be deducted from the amount returned.

Ofcourse, they did close my account. But they refuse to return my deposits. They cant just do that right? When i did not get an reaction on email, i went to the live chat. I told them i had been busy for 1,5 month sending documents and what their terms and conditions said. The guy in the live chat just responded with - As per the casino management decision - this stands as is. I wish there was more I could do however my hands are tied in this situation and also would like to refer you to the email sent to you

They cant just do this right? Their terms say they have to return the deposits but they just wont! I hope somebody can help me with this, i deposited 18k-19k in total so i really want them returned.

Thank you.

Posted on October 18, 2019

Dear @viiralherez,

Please make sure to update your complaint accordingly and clarify the total amount of the disputed deposit refund/s.

Thanks for cooperating the AskGamblers Complaints Team.

Inactive user
Posted on October 18, 2019

I cant find the exact amount but i am sure it is 18-19k.

Posted on October 22, 2019

AskGamblers Complaints Team is awaiting Playzee Casino team to provide the required information.

Posted on October 24, 2019

Dear @viiralherez,

Kindly be informed that casino management will need a written consent on your behalf authorizing AskGamblers Complaints Team to request and receive all the information which operator holds and is relevant to your complaints case. Please let us know as soon as you send such written consent to the casino operator so that we would be able to provide further assistance.

Please be in aware in case you fail to respond within the given time AskGamblers Complaints Team will have no other option but to reject this complaint upon submitter's unwillingness to cooperate.

Inactive user
Posted on October 25, 2019

Hello. That is fine. Thanks

Inactive user
Posted on October 25, 2019

Hello, i send them an email.

Posted on October 29, 2019

Hi AskGamblers,

Please note that we have submitted a response to you via email.


Inactive user
Posted on November 1, 2019

Hello i still have not heard anything. Thanks

Posted on November 4, 2019

Dear @viiralherez,

Rest assured that AskGamblers Complaints Team is working on your case. We requested additional evidence and explanation and we will post our statement as soon as possible.

Thank you for understanding.

Posted on November 6, 2019

Hi @AskGamblers

Please note that subsequent to our reviews we have found that the player is indeed of age and that he attempted to manipulate his details, in order to profit from the casino.

We draw your attention to the warranties that the player agreed to when registering the account, as outlined in Clause 4 of our Terms and conditions https:­//w­ww.p­la­yze­e.c­om/­terms; particularly Clause 4. 1 and 4.3, which confirm the following:

“4.1 By opening an account with us and/or by using the Website you acknowledge, agree and warrant that you:
• are at least 18 years of age and above the legal age for gambling in the jurisdiction you are a resident;
• are legally capable of entering into binding contracts;
• have supplied all information when registering with the Website that is accurate and complete and will ensure that such information is kept updated throughout your use of the Website;

4.3 In the event of any of the warranties outlined in clause 4.1 (Registering Your Account) being false, your stake will be forfeited and we shall not be obliged to pay any winnings. We may also report the matter to the police, parents (in relation to underage gambling) and the appropriate regulatory authority.”

We further draw your attention to Clause 15 of our Terms and conditions https:­//w­ww.p­la­yze­e.c­om/­terms, excerpts below:

“15.2 We reserve the right to close your account at any time for any reason. If we terminate your account for any reason the provisions set out below shall apply:

(iii) where we terminate your account due to you breaching any of these Terms of Use, we have the unfettered discretion to avoid any winnings and confiscate any balance. Such breaches include, but are not limited to:

• you are in breach or any of your warranties;
• If you provide incorrect or misleading registration information;
• If you are found colluding, cheating, money laundering or undertaking fraudulent activity;”

Based on the information outlined above, we have rejected the players refund request and note that upon receipt of the players agreement, we have since submitted proof to yourselves justifying the actions taken in this respect.


Posted on July 1, 2024

AskGamblers Complaints Team has been provided with clear and undisputed evidence on behalf Playzee Casino management that player violated their Terms&Conditions and more specifically committed potential fraudulent activity.

AskGamblers Complaints Team maintains zero tolerance towards player trying to abuse our complaints service and not using it in a good faith, therefore we took the decision to reject this complaint and moreover, to ban the player from using our services in the future.

Playzee Casino Complaints

  • 8 of 8 resolved
  • 2 days avg response
  • 6 days avg complaint life
  • 7,835 USD avg amount

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