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Online Casino Blog

Our online casino blog features the most interesting, engaging, and informative stories from the world of online gambling crafted solely for your enjoyment and benefit.  

A Variety of Casino Blog Topics

The AskGamblers writing team goes out of their way to find captivating news from the iGaming industry and share with you a medley of secrets and tips designed to improve your online gaming routine on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the most experienced gambler in the world or a complete novice, we’ve got an online gambling blog to suit everyone. 

Our diverse blog posts cover anything from the ABC’s of online gambling and fundamentals of online slots to busting well-established myths about online casinos, slots and jackpots. We go all-out to explore the possibilities of mobile casinos and take a peek into the future of mobile slots, cryptocurrencies and virtual reality - all while discovering and analyzing a variety of other spheres of the iGaming industry too.

This includes anything from classic slots to some of the more obscure terms, like high variance and volatility, return to player percentage and social gaming. Not every topic in this industry is easy to understand, so our blogs try and break it down for you in simpler terms. Being new to anything is never easy, so if you are a newbie in the world of online gambling, our blogs are sure to help. 

We bet while browsing our blog casino online stories, you’ll struggle to find a topic which we haven’t covered! We like to keep up to date with our gambler’s blog, so we regularly add new articles, making sure there’s always something new and intriguing for you to read. Every now and again we’ll add a new slot machine blog which may include a complete guide for dummies down to the nitty-gritty details like paytables and paylines. 

You can read our online slots blog anytime you want to, so if you’re using it as a guide that you want to refer back to, don’t worry, we’ll never delete it. All our blogs stay on site for you to read as many times as you need to. This refers to all of our blogs, not just the ones related to slots. 

Featuring Blog Casino Lists and Finding New Favourites

If you enjoy lists, top 5 picks and stumbling across various new favourites all in the same place, our casino blog is bound to regularly provide you with fresh, fun and exciting content. We often come up with original collections where we feature the best software providers, slots with specific themes and games perfect for particular occasions - just browse our selection of gamblers blog stories and you’ll find plenty of topics to choose from.

We appreciate that sometimes our picks won’t be everyone's cup of tea, but nonetheless, we’ll try to be as diverse as possible and cover numerous subjects to cater to everyone's needs. More specifically, if we’re talking blog posts about casinos, you’ll find lots of online casino picks ranging from fastest paying casinos and top casinos suitable for high rollers to best-designed casinos and more. 

We’ve also covered top picks when it comes to the best-themed slots, jackpot related slots and highest RTP slots. So, if you’re struggling to find a game to try, these could really help!

In addition, we will pick entertaining anecdotes, collect incredible stories about big wins and share with you the most entertaining side of the industry. We love to make you laugh, so now and again we’ll add some funny blogs to try and brighten up your day, too.  

How-to Casino Blog Posts

Additionally, if you need help with certain processes and casino dealings you may not be quite proficient at, our how-to blog posts are sure to supply you with solutions to various problems and dilemmas. Make sure you carefully study our guides for they will undoubtedly show you the way.

For example, if you were to take a browse through our blogs, you’d find comprehensive guides that include how to handle a blocked account and various other useful topics. Still, we’re always looking to add new how-to blogs so we can be your first point of call, should you need us.

Additionally, if you wish to know how to play slots starting right from the beginning, we have a casino games blog that is sure to answer your prayers too. Browse this page and you’ll be pushed to find a blog that doesn’t answer any situation. Moreover, if you find there hasn’t been a topic covered that you’d like to see here, why don’t you visit us at the forum and make a suggestion? We’re always happy to hear from you. 

Original AskGamblers Infographics

Occasionally, we will also devise visually stunning infographics with the sole aim to present to you a topic in the clearest way possible. Whether we're presenting a particular timeline from the history of online gaming or dealing with a more specific topic, our unique infographics are bound to entertain you and keep you informed on the subject. 

If you’re wondering how your favourite software providers started out and how they got to be where they are today, check out our blogs as we’ve published some fantastic ones on some top gaming providers. 

What’s more, as innovation drives us forward every day, keep an eye out for “live” animated infographics, too. They won’t disappoint you!

Having a Problem Somewhere?

If you’re having an issue at a casino, did you ever think to check our blog stories? We also cover these kinds of topics to try and help you in a sticky situation, so it’s always worth checking out our blog casino stories before panicking. Wonder how to get over the hurdle of the max bet rule? Our gamblers blog can help! There’s lots more too, so don’t forget to use these gambling blogs to your advantage. 

Also, if you don’t understand a game you’re playing, we’ve even got a casino games blog in the mix to help you in that department. We’ve covered topics that include Cascading Reels Slots, Colossal Slots, Progressive Jackpot Slots and plenty more. 

Join the Casino Blog Forum Discussion

You can also keep up to speed with all of our blog stories over in the forum. We have a special thread dedicated to all of our slots blog stories and casino blogs and at the end of every blog, we’ll invite you to continue the discussion in the forum.

There you’ll find plenty of experienced members who also like to discuss the blog topics and, if you think we missed anything in the blog, you can tell us there too. We’d love to hear from you, so make sure you join us there and share your thoughts. 

Latest Casino Blog Articles for You

Feel free to browse through our intricate online casino blog posts and learn the basics of online gambling, get acquainted with our custom-made lists in order to find new favourites among online casinos, online casino bonuses and online slots and pick up useful tips and tricks that will help you become more successful in every aspect of online gambling.


Who writes for AskGamblers?

Our writers are our experts who boast extensive experience in gambling and the iGaming industry as a whole. Their familiarity with all things gambling shines through in every blog post as they strive to offer comprehensive information in the most palatable way possible.

What can you learn from our blogs?

Our blogs cover a broad range of gambling-related topics, from detailed guides to playing casino games to responsible gambling to the history of gambling and top lists, always seeking to deepen our readers' knowledge of gambling.

How often do we publish our blogs?

We work hard to maintain a steady pace of publishing blog posts regularly while keeping our articles' quality at the highest level. Every other Thursday, you can visit our Casino Blog page for a fresh dose of compelling and thoroughly researched content.