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Slotnite Casino - Withdrawal with the same method I deposited


Complaint Info

Disputed casino

Slotnite Casino


€ 90

Posted on December 10, 2020

Hello, I made a deposit with Skrill on November 13 at Slotnite casino. When I wanted to withdraw the Skrill option did not show up. It's been almost a month and this issue still has not been resolved. In all our email correspondence they say that they are working on this issue but there are no improvements whatsoever. At first they said that they can send my withdrawal manually (Live Chat). Then it wasn't an option either. I have no access to chat transcripts at the moment but I asked them to send them to my email and still have not received them.

The Skrill deposit method are still on their website. Still no withdrawal method. And my deposit method shows up as ''adyen'' despite I deposited with Skrill.

My account is fully verified.

They just say that the issue is forwarded to relevant department but seems like they are not doing anything.

Best regards,

Posted on December 10, 2020

Dear @raitisdaug,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to update your complaint accordingly and clarify the total amount of the disputed withdrawal request/s.

Please keep in mind that, as per the AGCCS Guidelines, providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks for cooperating with the AskGamblers Complaint Team.

Posted on December 10, 2020

I asked them to withdraw manually twice as the automatic option just does not show up on their website. I wrote them 3 times via email and two times in Live Chat about fixing this issue.

Posted on December 11, 2020

Hello Raitisdaug,

We will look into this matter and get back to you as soon as possible.

Best regards,

The Slotnite Team

Posted on December 15, 2020

You are saying that everytime I contact you but nothing has been resolved for over a month now.

Posted on December 18, 2020

Hello Raitisdaug,

We have had this matter reviewed for you and note that your concern about the Skrill option not being reflected. We draw your attention to our terms and conditions https:­//w­ww.s­lo­tni­te.c­om­/terms, which provide the following in relation to this: “Where your withdrawal method is no longer valid or available (for example, it has expired) your withdrawal will not be processed, and you will be asked for details of an alternative payment method. We may request further information or documentation from you in this instance.”

Further to your withdrawal request, kindly note that the funds have been successfully processed to the payment source they originated from and should clear within 48 business hours.

Should you require any further clarity on this matter, please feel free to reach out to our Complaints Team on compla­int­s@s­lot­nit­e.com

Kind Regards

Slotnite Casino

Posted on December 22, 2020

Dear @raitisdaug,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to update your complaint in a timely manner and let us know if you have received the disputed payment. Please be notified that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, we will consider your case resolved and it will be closed accordingly.

Please keep in mind that, as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaints system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.