Casino denied withdrawal request for $500, claiming that I broke the t&c when I wagered more than 10% (per spin)of the bonus I received. The play history from when they claimed that I bet over the 10% has been erased from my online play history.
I deposited on December 2nd at 6:43am and when I checked my play history, it was blank up until December 3rd at 2:09pm. And where the play history does start (Dec 3rd at 2:09) I start with a balance of $432.12. The T&C that they accused me of breaking took place during the time that the missing history. I sent an email and chatted with customer service, who didn't know why they didn't send me the play history after they denied my request, she told me she would make sure they emailed me a copy of the play history, that was 1 week ago, and I have still not received it.