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Drift Casino - Won't pay back my deposit after blocked account


Complaint Info

Disputed casino

Drift Casino


€ 18.45

Posted on May 23, 2019

Sorry for bad english.
I was trying to whitdraw 75E and i get from drift casino answere that "Your account will be blocked for abusing the bonus policy of our casino"
I have deposit there 18,45 E in BTC system.
I think i konow whay they block my account... but im not sure if this is the reason.
a few months ago i was visiting drift casino site on my mobile phone and i should click login but it was my mistake and i click register. I have autofill in my phone and i think and i was my missclick and register new account. Support drift casino wrights to me in that case... but my englisch skills are to poor to explein them this situation. I never log to this second account im even not sure if new account was created. There was also in that time no no deposit offer fors new costumers so i have no reason to do something that stupid.

Anyway i belive that i dont do nothing wrong and i was thinking im ok whit drift casino and i can safetly deposit there my money. I understand that looks bad and they could use this to not pay my winning, buy they dont even whants to send my back my deposit.
Is there a chance that i can still play there and whitraw my winnings of at least get back my deposit?

I would like this unfortunate circumstance not to affect my cooperation whit drift badly.
I would like to play there, still have opotrunity to deposit and whitdraw my money.

Posted on May 23, 2019

Dear Szymon!
As I can see, your account has been blocked due to your violations of our Terms and Conditions you agreed with upon signing up, point 5.5 (registration of multiple accounts).
On all the accounts that you had created we detected the usage of the same non-deposit bonus, which can be clearly considered a violation of the casino bonus policy.

Posted on May 23, 2019

Dear Drift Casino,

AskGamblers Complaints Team is kindly asking you to provide evidence/s where it is clearly visible that the player registered more then one account.

Upon AskGamblers Complaints Terms we consider all evidence strictly confidential and won't be publicly displayed or sent to the third party. Please send required information directly to suppor­­t@­a­s­kg­­amb­­le­r­s.com.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Posted on May 23, 2019

i have old conversation whit drift cassino

Drift Support Team

śr., 24 paź 2018, 14:16

do ja

Hello, <name removed>!

The Security Department of Drift Casino have detected several accounts which had been registered from your IP-address. According to the terms and conditions of our casino, a player is not allowed to use more than one game profile. Please specify the reason why you have registered additional accounts? We are looking forward to your reply.


Regards, <name removed>

<name removed>

śr., 24 paź 2018, 14:43

do Drift

i hope i didnt register.. for sure it was a miss click on my phone... phone remember my details to log... i was thinking im login...

Regards, <name removed>

Drift Support Team

śr., 24 paź 2018, 14:53

do ja

Dear, <name removed>!

Thank you for your reply! Maybe somebody from your friends and relatives have access to your device? Looking forward to your reply!

<name removed>

śr., 24 paź 2018, 15:56

do Drift

some time ago i get message that someone is trying to make a deposit skrill to my account... it wasent me... somebody for sure have my login detalis.... i have cznege pssword

Drift Support Team

śr., 24 paź 2018, 16:30

do ja

Dear, <name removed>!

Thank you for your letter!

That was an automatic notification that you tried to make a deposit earlier. The request has gotten its final status of decline. And this is the reason why you got the such e-mail. But creating additional accounts in the casino is an abusing the policy of the casino.

May be you have used the same device for a game with some of your friends?


Regards, <name removed>

<name removed>

pt., 26 paź 2018, 18:39

do Drift

I understand policy of casino... It was just my misclick. Can i still play on drift casino?

Drift Support Team

pt., 26 paź 2018, 20:12

do ja

Dear <name removed>,

Did you use the same with your friends, maybe?


Regards, <name removed>

<name removed>

sob., 27 paź 2018, 12:14

do Drift

No, I did not.

Drift Support Team

sob., 27 paź 2018, 13:05

do ja

Thank you for your answer!

Then Security department will wait the answer about this situation from the another player during 7 days.

After that your account will be checked and unblock.

Have a good day!


in that time i was using mobile internet... that internet has difrent ip every time you reset him...

i belive that situation is some misunderstanding

Posted on May 23, 2019

i have check all my emails... and im sure i dont have multiple accounts. Only at one email i have informations from drift casino.
I whould like to still have oportunity to play and collect my winnings at drift casino. Im innocent, and i win this money fair.

Posted on May 24, 2019

Dear Szymon!

The situation that you have describe earlier was resolved in October 2018. But now your account was blocked due to violation of our Terms and conditions. There are detected registration more than one account from your device.

Posted on May 24, 2019

Drift casino im not sure but it is possible that sometimes i was using vpn when im login to drift casino.. meybe that is the reason you see the same device in another costumer account. i not sure how exacly vpn works... im a newbee in this stuff.
Does this account have the same details as mine?
In march this year i have sell my old mobile phone, meybe new owner have aslo made account in drif casino.
I really dont know any other explenation how its possible that you have detected more than one registration from my device.
My miss click was in October 2018 and now i know that in that time new account was not created

Posted on May 24, 2019

Dear Szymon!

VPN is a type of connection, that helps you to change your device IP address temporarily. In case of using such type of connection it can be some intersection by the IP address with other customers that also used the same IP address and/or VPN plugin for logging in to our website, but not the same device.
Cookie intersection can be possible only by logging in two or more accounts from one device.
Unfortunately, as the situation at October 2018 was resolved and you have been warned about our rules, after that another one situation was detected your account was terminated.

Posted on May 27, 2019

Based on submitter's last post AskGamblers Complaints Team consider this case as Resolved and it is officially closed now.

Thank you all for your cooperation.

Drift Casino Complaints

  • 5 of 5 resolved
  • 1 day avg response
  • 1 week avg complaint life
  • 4,242 USD avg amount

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