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Casino Extreme - Self exclusion did not work properly


Complaint Info

Disputed casino

Casino Extreme


$ 1871.39

Posted on April 17, 2023

I'm trying to be reimbursed for the deposits I had made to my account Casino extreme. I contacted them in the beginning of 2023 and through live chat I told them some very personal things and told them I need to be self-excluded from gambling there ... The chat rep just told me to write to the Pit Boss. So I did, but nothing came of it. Day after day -week after week -month after month I was still able to access my account after informing the casino that I had a problem . I would get promotion emails about "try your new games with 50 free spins"

Which was just another thing to lure me back in. On April 2nd 2023 I reached out again to Casino Extreme through live chat about how I needed help being self-excluded because I keep putting too much money into my account and its negative effects its brought to me and my family. This time the chat representative shut my account down immediately as I was talking to her. She also told me to write to the Pit Boss.

Now as I was trying to explain to The Pit Boss I would like a refund from the beginning of 2023 to that date which was April 2nd 2023 in the amount of $1,871.39 which I should have never been able to put on my account in the 1st place. Because if the casino would have informed me of caps or limits which I wasn't aware of at the time I could put on myself to limit my spending that would have been amazing and would have saved me so much grief but additionally aside from that I did ask myself excluded and nothing happened months back I was never informed about caps or limits I was just able to keep going as I was doing and they were supposed to help me in some sort of way shape or form and they failed to do that and I deposited $1,871.39 in that time frame Id like to be reimbursed for.

Posted on April 18, 2023

Hello CSYREK87,

Once again, we are very sorry to hear about the issue you're having and we hope that things are improving for you.

Please note that the moment the Casino received an official request from your side that you have problems with online gaming, your account was deactivated and further access has been restricted. However, this request only came on April 2nd and not before.
Below, you may see the transcript of the chat that in which you have stated that you wish to self-exclude at which point, your account was immediately closed at Casino Extreme and at our sister Casino, Casino Brango.

Also, as you had been informed on live chat, Yabby and Limitless Casinos are not a part of the same group as Casino Extreme and Casino Brango.

Additionally, as stated in the Terms & Conditions of Casino Extreme, given that you have deposited using cryptocurrency, setting deposit limits for said deposit method is unfortunately not an option due to the nature of cryptocurrency. Nonetheless, the Casino offers all help available for which the player only needs to make an official request, either through live chat or by email.

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[2023-04-02 10:52:40] [csyrek87] Hello...I need to self exclude myself from Casino Extreme..along with your sister casinos , Yabby and Limitless.... I have tried before to write to PitBos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.com and it came back several days later as the recipient could not receive emails from my email address which is [email protected] .. same thing happened with the YAbby.. I copied and pasted it from the chat window so I don't understand why wouldn't go through but that was several months ago and haven't exactly been
[2023-04-02 10:54:05] [csyrek87] Play here since very often but I did just yesterday and I really really need to use all exclude myself from this casino and your sister casino and I really need help a bit more on your sister cuz he knows this time right and going to loose my home and fiance will probably take our child
[2023-04-02 10:54:55] [csyrek87] I don't know what to do and I haven't really played here since I want a little bit of money the other month but it put money down just yesterday I just have gotten nowhere and I am a problem Gambler a compulsive gambler and writing to the Pit Boss email does nothing
[2023-04-02 10:55:34] [Joanne] Please give me a moment to check your request.
[2023-04-02 10:55:36] [csyrek87] You would think it would be just as easy as like not buying Bitcoin and not sending it to the casino but it seems to happen every single month I can't stop doing it
[2023-04-02 10:55:46] [csyrek87] Okay
[2023-04-02 10:58:10] [Joanne] Your accounts will be closed because you contacted us saying you have a gambling problem. However, please write another email to pitbos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.eu with an explanation for your wish to delete all your accounts.
[2023-04-02 10:58:46] [csyrek87] Okay thank you
[2023-04-02 11:00:46] [Joanne] Also, we are not connected to the casino Limitless and Yabby, so if you wish to close your accounts there, please contact them separately through their email.

Should any additional information be required, please let us know.

Kind Regards,
Luke Newman
Casino Extreme Management

Posted on April 18, 2023

Yes, I also "officially" had the same chat with a different chat worker at Casino Extreme and that was on January 2nd 2023. He told me to write to the Pit Boss. And I did write to the Pit Boss and I have the email. So even if the email had trouble going through for whatever the reason I'm not sure why because it's the exact address and needs to go to, it doesn't matter because the chat worker should have done on January 2nd 2023, the same thing like how the chat worker did on April 2nd 2023 - so all of that is irrelevant.
And thank you for your concern.

Posted on April 18, 2023

And this is why I am asking the casino to please refund the money I deposited from January 2nd 2023 to April 2nd 2023 to my account . And this is a snapshot of the email that I sent to the Pit Boss after the online chat worker from the casino extreme told me to write to the Pit Boss -which was the first time I ever heard of "Pit boss" besides the barbecue sauce lol
If you pull up the chat records from January 2nd 2023 , it's all there.
But here is the email following that discussion that I had with the chat worker in January.
I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you.

Posted on April 18, 2023

Hello CSYREK87,

Hope you're well.

Please note that your entire chat history at Casino Extreme and Casino Brango has been reviewed and there were no previous mentions of self-exclusion or gambling difficulties.
We do understand the situation you find yourself in, however, the Casino operated responsibly and as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we did not receive any requests for self-exclusion beforehand. If we did, the Casino would react momentarily as we did now.

Of course, the Management will always be available to provide professional help with overcoming gambling addiction.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind Regards,
Luke Newman
Casino Extreme Management

Posted on April 19, 2023

Dear Casino Extreme,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to provide a detailed explanation how official request when player is facing gambling problems looks like. And what is the reason for not accepting email request form January? Feel free to post directly on the complaint thread or email us to suppor­t@a­skg­amb­ler­s.com.

Please note that according to the AGCCS Terms, we consider all the information presented during the course of our complaint process confidential and as such it will not be shared with third parties.

Please be in aware that in case you fail to respond and/or provide requested information within the given timeframe, the complaint will be closed as unresolved. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Posted on April 19, 2023

Hello AskGamblers,

Hope that you're all well.

An official self-exclusion request only needs to contain a clear and unambiguous statement that the player wishes to refrain from further participation in games of chance on our website. The channel of communication through which this is done is completely irrelevant.

This is exactly what the player did through live chat on April 2nd when the self-exclusion request was submitted.

The problem with the email request the player supposedly sent in January is the fact that the email failed to reach our side. We have are positive that what the player stated may be true, however, we have no way of confirming this. Additionally, Live chat was available to the player at the time, so without a confirmation reply from our Management, the player was able to re-submit the self-exclusion request using Live chat at any moment. As the Management acted on April 2nd, it would have acted the same way in any given moment.

We hope that the explanation provided sheds enough light on the entire issue.

Should any additional information be required, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind Regards,
Luke Newman
Casino Extreme Management

Posted on April 19, 2023

Luke .
I want to kindly tell you right off the bat, if you couldn't find the conversation I had with the live chat worker at Casino Extreme, then please step aside and let somebody else review my case. It's been botched enough as it is. I want to let you know that what you're looking for is on January 2nd 2023. I also want to let you know that it was between the time of 2:57 p.m. to just before 5:41pm of the date in question , which again is January 2nd 2023.
I know this because I kept telling you that I reached out through live chat for help with what I was experiencing and wanting to do something called a self-exclusion. The reason WHY I reached out for help through your live chat at your casino is because a couple hours prior I wrote to support. suppor­t@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.co­m....... I wrote to support because it was something that I did regularly ,actually ...that and to your promotional Department through email. So when I was trying to self exclude myself naturally I wrote to support first. Then after a little while I rechecked my email and noticed I didn't have a reply from support which was unusual because the casino would normally write me back within 20 minutes. So when I didn't get a response logged back into my account 1/2/23 ..I then proceeded to go to live chat because I didn't get an answer still from support through email. I knew through live chat I could talk to somebody immediately, I would talk to them daily.
So when I contacted live chat and told them that I wrote to support but didn't hear anything from them and I was just trying to reach out for help because I was experiencing all these issues and how I need to be self-excluded because of my compulsiveness to keep betting more and the negative effects it was having on my family and I... and I told it to this worker in great detail too....
The chat worker explain to me that I would have to contact the "Pitboss" at Pitbos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.com and/or Pitbos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.eu. .....

So I did ....I wrote to the "Pitboss" ... yes like I said writing to The Pit Boss at Pitbos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.COM was notified to me through my email provider that for some reason the destination that it was going to rejected it and wouldn't be able to receive it from my email.

Now however, the other one I sent to pitbos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.EU .. that one was sent just fine with no problems and reached its destination.

I find it so highly unlikely that nobody knew that I was going through this and wanting some kind of help ....between support by email , the live chat worker who informed me of the "Pitboss" - and the Pitboss himself ...BUT , if that's what you're sticking with then I'm claiming negligence on the behalf of the casino and it's workers .. and just because the casino was negligent that doesn't negate the fact that I did desperately try through several different avenues to stop myself from playing there.... The casinos negligence shouldn't affect my ability to be reimbursed because I really really tried and the casino failed me. So attached is my email to support which if you look at the date it's for January 2nd 2023 and the time is at 2:57 p.m. that day.
I had a conversation with the online chat work at the casino between that time and between the next time when I wrote to The Pit Boss at 5: 41 p.m
Along with the support email you'll see that I forwarded that one in particular to my fiance because I promised him that I would reach out and self-exclude myself while he was at work.
I forwarded the email I sent to support because that was the first one and it was earlier in the day and showed the time stamped on it , then my fiance would be able to see that I did do what I said I was going to do earlier in that day. I forwarded that to him 8 minutes after I wrote and sent the same email to The Pit Boss @ .com and @eu.
So again , if you guys are really claiming that you had no idea about my attempts , I find this very highly unlikely and I am upset that I was just allowed to keep going as I was going with no one there to help me as I would send hundreds of dollars in Bitcoin to my account repeatedly one after another $150 up to $400 something dollars... all the while you guys knew ....there's no way that all of my attempts went unheard.. especially because I talked to a live chat representative! You don't have robots there!
Furthermore any other time I would reach out to support on the saved link for quick access to email that I have any other time I would click on that to reach your support at casino extreme I would get a response within 20 minutes, but not that day ... I'm not sure why...... but even if it comes down to that nobody opened my email, that's not my fault . I know what happened and I have proof of it.
I am kindly asking for the casino to just please reimburse me for the deposits I made in that time frame totaling $1871.39 in deposits I never should have been able to make to my account. Or I'm just going to have to hire a private investigator or lawyer and escalate this further. Thank you.

Courtenay Syrek

P.s. immediately following this I am going to post the attachments separately to this page but additionally I can privately email you here at ask gamblers the full email that I sent to suppor­t@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.com. and the one that went through to the PitBos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.eu

Posted on April 19, 2023

This is a attachment showing that I wrote to suppor­t@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.com at 2:57pm on January 2nd 2023

Posted on April 19, 2023

Now when I didn't get a reply back from support like I normally would any other time within about 20 minutes or so. When I didn't get a reply back and it was a hour or so later I logged in to my account at casino extreme and sought out the live chat representative. That worker told me to write to the PitBoss at Pitbos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.com and/or Pitbos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.eu

So what I did was I copied and pasted what I wrote to support earlier and I sent it to both emails. Now several days later for whatever reason I Got a notification that the one I sent to the .com was rejected by the recipient and never reach it's destination.

But as you can see the one that I sent to the Pitbos­s@c­asi­noe­xtr­eme.eu had reached it's destination just fine.

Posted on April 19, 2023

Lastly the attachment I sent reaching out to support first earlier that day you will by the time stamp as opposed to the timestamp on the other one for the Pit Boss email. It says forwarded at the top and it says that because I forwarded that one to my fiance because I wanted to show him that I did reach out earlier that day and I did what I promised I would do. So that's why it says I forwarded it and it was forwarded to my fiance.

So again I did Reach Out through email to the support center to The Pit Boss and yes through live chat