Dear Askgamblers,
On the 14th of January 2018 I made a withdrawel of €2250 at wildwildbet. This was my third withdrawel at this casino. I had no problems with the withdrawels before.
A few days later on the 16th I received an e-mail from wildwildbet stating the following:
Our game providers decided to check activity of this account, since there were constant winnings.
Please provide ID and utility bill
I was really shocked to read that they wanted to investigate my account, because I have done nothing against the rules. Yes, I had a lucky winning streak, but in the days that I played I also lost. So it is nonsense that I only win. They just don’t want to pay me.
I had a lucky winning streak and apparently that raises questions. But if I lose a lot it should be al fine. When I started playing at wildwildbet I lost €2450. I never received an e-mail from them that they wanted to start an investigation because of the fact that I lost that much money.
I had no problems with sending them a them a copy of my ID and utility bill. So the same day I sended them the requested documents.
However they ignore all my e-mails I have send them like 8 e-mails. The communication with the casino is very lacking because they don`t respond to any of my e-mails. Beside that the telephone number and skype doesn`t exist.
I hope they respond through this way.
Askgamblers, help me solve this matter so I can get my money.
Kind regards,
Complaint Info
I received this email today. Dear,
Thank you for getting in touch and provided documentation.
We are waiting for Evolution Gaming response regarding your winning streak and get back to you once the feedback received.
Askgamblers is it correct that Evolution gaming can start a investigation. They are just the provider so why should they investigate this? I think the casino is stalling for no reasons.
I received a new e-mail from Wildwildbet.
Your documents have been approved.
How ever we are still waiting for a response from Evolution Gaming regarding your activity.
Multiple withdrawal requests and later on cancellations made our investigation to stall, not our desire to hold your money.
I cannot believe what is happening.
I received this email today.
we have received confirmation from tech support and will proceed with your withdrawal today.
So I wanted to log in on the site, and assudded I received an error that my country is on the forbidden list.
This is the email I received after the last one.
we proceeded with your eldest withdrawal today 2,250.
We will be transferring one withdrawal per 24 hours per player.
Netherlands are blocked for Curacao licensees, we found a tech glitch that made possible for players from this country to register. It is fixed now.
So I can say that the case is almost solved. I am waiting for a few more withdrawels. I hope they proceed with the withdrawels as they told.

Dear @Playerz,
Please confirm if the issue has been resolved and if you have received disputed amount? Keep in mind that in case you fail to respond within the given time frame we will consider your issue as resolved and your complaint will be closed accordingly.
We would also like to use the occasion and suggest to player to submit new complaint in case something goes wrong with their outstanding payments which were not part of the current complaint.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Waiting on a few more payments..
I expect to receive my last withdrawel tommorow. I will let you know when I have received it.
@Askgamblers, the Netherlands is a restricted country, please update the information of wildwildbet on this website. I have also given this information to the live chat of askgamblers, but apparently nothing is done with the information.
I received the funds. Case closed.

Based on submitter's last post AskGamblers Complaints Team consider this case as Resolved and it is officially closed now.
Thank you all for your cooperation.
Wild Wild Bet Casino Complaints
- 3 of 5 resolved
- 3 days avg response
- 5 days avg complaint life
- 2,251 USD avg amount
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