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Spin Samurai Casino - Rest of refund


Complaint Info

Disputed casino

Spin Samurai Casino


kr 290000

SANANA05 Iceland
Posted on September 12, 2024

This is another complaint against Spin samurai casino. Last one was rejected because casino confirmed that they are gonna refund me (reason was delay of closing account as I requested and I spent too much money , I was waiting 3 days for response) . But, I didn't get whole amount, and now they are saying that I spent only 3 900 e (they refunded me that amount), but i am sure that I spent much more. I have proof of deposits from my debit card and also credit card. Whole amount was about 7 000 e, and they refused to pay me rest , with explanation that I spent only amount that they refunded. I will put in attachment all evidence ( from my debit and credit card) . 151 ISK = 1 e. I spent about 1 000 000 króna. On listing from debit card amount is in ISK , on credit card is in E also. If you need any further information, please contact me.

Posted on September 12, 2024

Good Day SANANA05,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. I understand how frustrating this situation must be, especially when you're expecting a resolution after what has already been a stressful experience.

After a thorough review of your account, we can confirm that the total deposits made between your request to close the account and when it was actually closed amounted to 3,970 EUR. I want to reassure you that this entire amount has already been refunded to you.

I understand this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, and I completely appreciate how important this matter is to you so if you have any further questions or need clarification, we’re here to help and support you through this process.

Thank you for your understanding, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything else.

Kind Regards,
Spin Samurai Casino

Posted on September 12, 2024

Dear Spin Samurai Casino,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to provide a detailed explanation of the issue along with all the relevant facts and evidence that could support your statement. Please send required information to suppor­t@a­skg­amb­ler­s.com directly.

Please note that according to the AGCCS Terms, we consider all the information presented during the course of our complaint process confidential and as such it will not be shared with third parties.

Please be in aware that in case you fail to respond and/or provide requested information within the given timeframe, the complaint will be closed as unresolved. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

SANANA05 Iceland
Posted on September 12, 2024

Spin samurai casino says that I have made only 3 970 e deposits from the moment I requested self excluding.  Here is again all screenshots of SUCCESSFULLY paid deposits for spin samurai in that period , from 30.08. until 01.09. Amount is way bigger than 3 970 e. What other evidence do you need? C an you please clarify that? Do you want me to send screenshots for all deposits separately? But it is lot of them, I can try to put it in 2 emails? Those all were successful! If you don't trust me, ask spin samurai casino to give me access to my account only for 5 minutes and I will make you sure that I have made all that deposits and they all were successful.  On their list ( of my deposits) that they sent to me , there is no 01.09. at all and you can clearly see on my bank statement that I have made deposits on that date.  On their list there is no 01.09. at all. And you can clearly see that on my bank statement is 01.09. also. And list that spin samurai casino send it to me, with no 01.09. And much less deposits from 31.08. I would kindly ask to get access to my acc on spin samurai so I can see my payment details. Or access to my account to Ask gamblers operator, so someone can see that I really deposited that money. I really don't know what else do you need except all this bank statements , I told you, I can send you every transaction separately so you can see that all that transactions was successful.

Posted on September 13, 2024

Good Day SANANA05 and Ask Gamblers Representative,

I will be sure to email you with the relevant information and evidence of the situation as soon as possible.

If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us

Kind Regards,
Spin Samurai Casino

SANANA05 Iceland
Posted on September 13, 2024

Ok, thank you. I hope I will hear soon from you.

Posted on September 16, 2024

Dear SANANA05 and Ask Gamblers Representative,

We have thoroughly reviewed this request with the relevant departments, and following our investigation, we found that between the time the account closure was requested and the actual closure was completed, deposits totaling 4,780 EUR were made. Specifically, 3,970 EUR were successfully deposited, while 810 EUR were unsuccessful.

Successful deposits are those we received on our end, and unsuccessful deposits refer to amounts we did not receive. As we received 3,970 EUR from you, we have refunded this exact amount. Since the 810 EUR of unsuccessful deposits were never received by us, we are unable to process a refund for that sum. Please note that your bank will return the unsuccessful deposits within 5-7 business days.

We trust this response addresses all of your concerns and we are always open to help you.
Best regards,

Spin Samurai Casino

SANANA05 Iceland
Posted on September 16, 2024

It is been more than 7 business days and I still didn't get anything from bank and I am sure that I have played with that money. I provide you all my bank statements, it is clearly more than 810 e difference. Can I get access to my account on spin samurai to assure you that I deposited all that money? I am still not agreeing with you! Do @ask gamblers want to provide them all my bank statements in pdf so you can see that my counting is correct? I have also contacted my bank, there is no money that I should receive from them, all of deposits were successful!!!

SANANA05 Iceland
Posted on September 16, 2024

My bank never charged any of unsuccessfully made deposits.

Posted on September 17, 2024

Dear SANANA05 and Ask Gamblers Representative,

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and we appreciate your patience.

Following our Privacy Policy, we are unable to share any player's data with third parties, including Ask Gamblers. As such, we regret that we cannot disclose your information in this instance.

Regarding the closure of your account, please note that it was deactivated as part of our responsible gaming procedures, and we are unable to reinstate access to it.

We kindly request that you contact us directly at contac­t@s­pin­sam­ura­i.com, so we can address your concerns internally and assist you with your needs.

We look forward to receiving your email.

Best regards,

Spin Samurai Casino

SANANA05 Iceland
Posted on September 17, 2024

I have shared my bank statements with Ask gamblers . If you cannot give me access to account, you can at least email me pdf file of my transaction history. And I will gladly share it with Ask gamblers also, same as my bank statements. This is becoming ridiculous. I have sent you, and to Ask gamblers also my complete bank statements from both debit and credit card , it is clearly that I have made much more deposits than you claim, I don't know what else to do. My evidences are clear, you @spin samurai are just sending same emails. Please, email me in pdf transaction history.