I opened an account in this casino 1 week ago I deposited 250€ and gambled a bit until 320€. As you can see not a lot of money. I started the verification process as usual and since then the weird things started. I attach an email in which you can see how they asked me for an explanation as to why my address was in Austria and my ID is Spanish. Obviously I'm a spanish national residing in Austria so there is nothing to explain there. Literally I've opened an account on many casinos before and never had to explain this to anybody. Since then I've been waiting for their verification without them asking me for any other document.
Today they blocked my account and when I asked I received the explanation I attach below. Apparently I had my account blocked because I submitted altered/fraudulent documents. I offered them to upload whatever they need, to videocall, etc but they said their decision was final. Excuse me? a verification is not just a decision, it's actually supposed to be a process where you make sure the other party is not faking his identity, which I'm obviously not.
Needless to say my documents are completely normal and whatever is needed to confirm this I can provide it.
Obviously this is a very shady casino, so as far as I'm concerned all I want is getting the money back. I don't need the account re-open because I don't even have the slightest intention to play there.