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PlanetaXBet Casino - Casino does not pay out winnings for more than 20 days


Complaint Info

Disputed casino

PlanetaXBet Casino


€ 484.99

VyacheslavK Russia
Posted on March 6, 2023

Since February 12th I can't withdraw my winnings.

When withdrawing money, it gives an error. Technical support does not solve my question. I haven't received my winnings for more than twenty days. I ask you to transfer money to me in manual mode, they do not transfer it. I don't know what to do. There is no help. I know that payments are being made to other people, but it seems that an error was specially imposed on my account so that I could not withdraw and they say that this is a technical problem. And in fact, other people are being paid

Account number udacha666 (172937). The account is verified

This video shows how it is not possible to withdraw money <removed due to privacy>

<content in Russian removed>

Posted on March 6, 2023

Dear @VyacheslavK,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to update your complaint accordingly and clarify the total amount of the disputed payment/s.

Please keep in mind that, as per the AGCCS Guidelines, providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks for cooperating with the AskGamblers Complaint Team.

VyacheslavK Russia
Posted on March 6, 2023

planetaxbet.com Casino has not paid me winnings since February 12th, 2023. Unfortunately, I didn't capture all the correspondence with screenshots. Below will be part of the screenshots, under the numbers. I will explain each number

Screenshot number 1. On February 15th, I am addressing the issue that payments have not been received since February 12th. Support says it takes 48 hours to solve the problem. The problem is still not solved

Screenshot number 2. In this screenshot, I am writing to support on the second of March, 20 days have passed since the withdrawal problem. This screenshot shows that the support recognizes the fact of non-payment of money.

In the screenshot under number 3, correspondence by mail dated February 27. Here they admit that there is a problem with the withdrawal of money and they will solve it by the end of the day. But the problem is still not solved

The screenshot below number 4 shows that the mail with which the correspondence was conducted earlier. The last couple of days has ceased to exist. That is, this mail used to work, but now this mail does not work for me. It turns out that communication by mail with technical support does not work at the moment

This link is to a video where I am trying to withdraw money from a gaming account. But all to no avail. I know that other players withdraw money and they do not have such an error. I am almost sure that this is in manual mode, such an error was specially imposed on my gaming account so that I could not withdraw my won money https:­//w­ww.y­ou­tub­e.c­om/­wat­ch?­v=o­WtE­imgbWfY Passwords are not visible here, so do not delete the link, no one will be able to log into the account

I asked them to withdraw money manually, since their website is not working correctly, they refused me.
Please help me withdraw money from this gaming account «udacha666 (172937)»

VyacheslavK Russia
Posted on March 6, 2023

The amount that is not allowed to withdraw is 1204.19 euros

Posted on March 8, 2023

Dear PlanetaXBet Casino,

Please let us know if there are any updates regarding this ongoing complaint.

Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, we will consider your case unresolved and it will be closed accordingly. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

VyacheslavK Russia
Posted on March 9, 2023

They paid me the money today, March 9th. The case can be closed. Thanks!!!

Posted on March 9, 2023

Dear all,

As apparent from the submitter's latest post, the AskGamblers Complaint Team is pleased to announce the case has been resolved and closed.

We thank both parties for their assistance during the complaint process.

PlanetaXBet Casino Complaints

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