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24kCasino - Confiscated my winnings without proving their accusation


Complaint Info

Disputed casino



BTC 0.19

markobend Croatia
Posted on May 18, 2020

24k casino took away my winnings of 142mbtc. On may 15th I requested a withdrawal of 150 mbtc and 142 mbtc were taken away leaving my balance with 8 mbtc which was my deposit amount. They state that I violated term 4.5 which says it is a duplicate account. However, that is not true because this is my only account with 24k casino. I am attaching a screenshot where it is visible that they have taken away my winnings. They did not send me any email, I tried to contact them but did not get any reply.

Posted on May 20, 2020

Good Morning, Sending evidence and terms and conditions to AskGamblers.

markobend Croatia
Posted on May 20, 2020

At least you replied here. Why don't you reply to my email?
I asked you on the email I sent you two simple questions, if you accuse me of having a duplicate account what is the other account that I have? And the second question why did you return only the smaller deposit that I made, why haven't you returned my 58 mbtc deposit as well?

Posted on May 22, 2020

Email communications between player and support , upholding T's &c's and supporting evidence supplied to AG

Posted on May 22, 2020

Dear 24kCasino,

Kindly note that The AskGamblers Complaint Team didn't receive any email regarding this complaint to the address suppor­t@a­skg­amb­ler­s.com. We advise you to email us evidence again.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

markobend Croatia
Posted on May 24, 2020

It says I have left 36 hours to reply before the complaint is closed so just writing so it wouldn't be closed

Posted on May 28, 2020

sent through alternate email address as it bounced back

markobend Croatia
Posted on May 30, 2020

It's my turn to reply

Posted on June 2, 2020

Further evidence to be supplied to AG as per support communication

markobend Croatia
Posted on June 3, 2020

Still waiting

Posted on June 6, 2020

Further correspondence with AG support

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