Dear team,
I am writing about the continued unprofessional and unresponsive behavior of Campeonbet who have removed €17037 from my account and closed it. Not because I've done anything wrong, but as per their own admission, they agree to pay €1811 of my balance and the €1000 that was a pending withdrawal.
I will be pursuing this confiscation clearly, but now I wish to stick to their suggested resolution of the issue and how they haven't even been able to complete that correctly. Even if I deemed this to be fair, they only paid €1811 and have totally ignored the €1000 they also agreed to pay. I have emailed several times pointing this out, with copies of my bank statement to prove it. They said it was paid in 2 payments not jointly, as if somehow that clarifies anything, and now just blank every email I send from now.
I have emails, screenshots, and live chats to prove every detail of the above.