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Unique Casino - Retiro que no procesan
Llevo 5 días esperando que se procese un retiro de 350€ Desde soporte me comentan que el plazo es de 72 horas, no cumplen con los plazos ...
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Unique Casino - quiere pagarme, tengo 2,702€ para retirar
Llevo más de un mes intentado sacar mi dinero de esta web, he jugado y he sacado algún dinero , pero esta última vez algo cambio … Hice una ...
Unique Casino - Demora pago
Buenos días , me pongo en contacto con ustedes , porque realice una retirada hace más de 24 horas y todavía ni siquiera me han aprobado la retirada ...
Unique Casino - Pago no acreditado en el Casino
He realizado un depósito mediante Sofort y me and descontado los 100 euros de mi cuenta de mi banco y el depósito en el casino primero tenía un ...
Unique Casino - Pago retardado de 1500
Llevo desde el día 2 esperando esperando una retirada que todavía a día 7 no me han pagado. Me he puesto en contacto con ellos varias veces y ...
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Unique Casino - Retraso en retirada
Solicite un retiro en Unique Casino,el cual fue aprobado el día 10.Unique contesta que el retiro fue aprobado el día 11 y que se cuenta a partir del ...
Unique Casino - Pago con retraso
Llevo desde el día 6 de octubre de 1500d€ y a día de hoy 18 de octubre no recibo nada, no me dan soluciones más que la espera y el problema esque ...
Unique Casino - Retraso en el pago
Hola muy buenas el día 11 solicite un retiro en unique casino y hoy día 14 todavía no me han ingresado mi dinero con un total de 1450€ Cuando vas ...
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Unique Casino - Unique Casino refused to process full balance due to gambling issue now attempting theft of remaining balance
On June 17th I requested my account closed and full balance sent to my skrill account due to severe gambling issues.The casino refused to send the ...
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No resuelta
Unique Casino - Unique casino incorrectly applying max cashout to my account so I am unable to withdraw my remaining 400 euros
Hello,Unique casino has for the second time, applied incorrectly the max cashout function on my account.Their term 6.12. states 'Should the lifetime ...
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No resuelta
Unique Casino - Will not enable my account
Hello, Unique casino has suspended my account temporarily for investigation. My balance is just about 34K and I have been contacting them asking them ...
Unique Casino - Refusal of partial payment
Hello,I am faced with a serious problem. I have been playing at Casino Unique for several years and like any self-respecting player I win and I lose. ...
Unique Casino - Missing withdrawal, no support and no answers
For over one month they don't answer my email. I want to sort out with them why one withdrawal of 600 euro is missing, but they dont want to help. ...
Unique Casino - Waiting for the money
I have an unresolved problem with Uniquecasino. I am waiting for the money from 08.11.2021(time:19:58:53) and it was approved.It is about 500 euros.I ...
Unique Casino - Account closure just before second withdrawal
I made a deposit and after that, I won several big amounts with Live Roulette. Took me a week to get the first withdrawal of a maximum of Eur 1,500,- ...
Unique Casino - 5th business day withdrawal still pending
Hi Aksgamblers team,I really need your help and your support with my pending withdrawal. I made the request on 26 of September (1500 euro), this is my ...
Unique Casino - Withdrawal still pending day 5
Dear sir/ madam,I have made a withdrawal request on the 8th of August and the reason I am contacting you, is that it is still pending. According to ...
Unique Casino - Delaying withdrawal again
Once again Unique Casino are delaying a withdrawal of €330. You will see from the screenshot It has been pending over 7 days.Again I have been told ...
Unique Casino - Withdrawal 1of 000 euro not received
Again withdrawal problems whit playlogia. I make a withdrawal request 3 weeks ago than unique casino tell me that it is not possible to withdrawal ...
Unique Casino - Withdrawal of €1,300 pending over five days
I have a 700 euro withdrawal from cash play (no bonus) pending with unqiue since April 17th. They have stated it should have been processed within 2 ...
Unique Casino - Withdrawl pending for 8 days now without approval
Dear all good day, I have requested an withdrawal on Unique Casino on 07.04. So far the withdrawal has not been approved and still has status "pending ...
Unique Casino - Casino not processing my withdrawal again
This is my second complaint against Unique in a month for the same issue. Last time Askgamblers published my complaint and the withdrawal was ...
Unique Casino - Delayed Payment, not responding to emails
I am fully verified on Unique casino. I have been chasing a 500 withdrawal for 5 days. My emails are going ignored. The withdrawal is via skrill and ...
Unique Casino - Have not received my withdrawal yet
I have not received my withdraw on skrill. I have made the withdrawl on 01.02.2021 and it's been 4 days since allready and i have still not received ...