William Hill Casino - Check verification documents for more than a month



Unseriöses Casino

William Hill Casino


€ 2800

fomichixa Russland
Veröffentlicht am 23. März 2020

Hello. February 8, I made a deposit (screen).
February 11, requested documents (screen).
blocked the withdrawal of funds (screen).
February 12, I submitted documents to live chat. To date, I have not received an answer. live chat promise "soon, soon, soon".
more than a month have passed. I worry about my money. from the support of any particulars. help.
I contacted the "second opinion" service. they also ask to wait

William Hill Casino Beschwerden

  • 5 von 32 gelöst
  • 4 Tagen Durchschn. Antwortzeit
  • 5 Tagen Durchschn. Lebensdauer
  • 8,144 USD Durchschn. Betrag

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