Dear Sir,
over 2 week ago i registered with this casino , then i deposit money here with my skrill account, but too bad i cant opened this game casino overall my java and my adobe flash players already updates but this game casino wont run still stag and blank. 5 days lalter i ask to send my deposit back to my skrill account then the support allowed, then in the next day this support already asked me to send my all documents , then i sen all my documents like national id card front and back my cable TV bill as post to my address and my printscreen shoot my skrill account, since now this casino still run arround wont pay my deposit back to my skrill account with many reason, dear sir as you know i play with many big casinos all my account was verified , but why this casino hostage my deposit money wont pay to my skrill account !!!, i really dont trust with this casino...then i asked for close my account to the support name felix cuz i dont believed again with this casino.......hey mr dunder i asking my right my deposit money ...pay to my skrill account , you only give me round ad round your departmenet still review my account its big joke......4 days ..still review ..the other trust and big casino only take 7 hours ......