Rabona Casino - Verification taking forever and not communicating with me



Unseriöses Casino

Rabona Casino
Veröffentlicht am 11. Dezember 2023

I have had troubles with verification with my Rabona account in over a month.

I used Mifinity, and I guess I have sent 10 different documents. I have to show how I got money into my Mifinity and previous transactions. This is okay, they have terms. But now it has been over 3 weeks since I sent in verification document.

This is a screenshot from payout from a bookmaker, that is the transaction Rabona asked me to "show"/verify. They told me 3 weeks ago on support mail "no longer than 5 days".

I have tried sending mails after, no answer. Tried chat yesterday, then suddenly one told me I had to send in document/pdf, another one said "please wait for verification". I just feel this is really unserious, and therefore I am filing a complaint.

They also have not verified payment history on my account, and I have sent the same document(payment history of Mifinity) 3 times, but still it says "upload again". Hopes this complain makes Rabona take this seriously, I am disappointed of the treatment I have been given.

Veröffentlicht am 13. Dezember 2023

Dear Customer,

Thank you for reaching out.

We would like to inform you that your account on our website was verified on 13.12.2023. Please accept our sincere apology for the inconvenience caused by the delay.

Best regards,

Veröffentlicht am 13. Dezember 2023

That is correct. Thank you for verifying now, but a small shame that I had to complaint to a third party. Hope you will avoid this in the future with other customers.

Veröffentlicht am 13. Dezember 2023

Dear all,

As apparent from the submitter's latest post, the AskGamblers Complaint Team is pleased to announce the case has been resolved and closed.

We thank both parties for their assistance during the complaint process.

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  • 38 von 39 gelöst
  • 1 Tag Durchschn. Antwortzeit
  • 5 Tagen Durchschn. Lebensdauer
  • 1,294 USD Durchschn. Betrag

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