Paradise Casino - Withheld my 3000 euros and closed my account for no reason



Unseriöses Casino

Paradise Casino


€ 1000

lucky0ne Finnland
Veröffentlicht am 20. März 2023


Paradi­sec­asi­no sent me an email where was campaign called "two bonuses in a row!". First 90% and then 100% bonus.

I deposited 150 euros and won 4350 euros from 100% bonus after the 25x wagering. Now is withholding my rest 3000 euros. They have paid 1350euros (which was my own withdrawal). After that they decided to close my account for no reason.

Here is the story:

After my big win (from Big Bamboo) I decided to withdraw 1350 euros. I thought that I might like to continue playing later good 3000 euros balance and then withdraw the rest. My account was already verified before over ye­ar ago. I still got a message from paradisecasino:

"Your cashout of 1350.0 EUR has been canceled. Reason: Please upload the front photo of your bank card used for deposits with the name, expiry date, and the first 6 and last 4 digits visible. Paradise Casino Care Team"

-Ok, I think because my last withdrawal was over 1,5year ago, of course they need "newer" information. I sent new pictures of my Visa card (which was also my deposit method).

After that, I made second withdrawal on next day and also that cancelled, the reason was:"Your cash out of 1350.0 EUR has been canceled. Reason: Please upload the front photo of your bank card **47 used for deposits with the name, expiry date, and the first 6 and last 4 digits visible."

-This was another Visa card (and the card used in a completely different deposit earlier) was in no way connected to this deposit. I wondered a little about it and nevertheless decided to send a new picture of it as well. I already had the thought that the casino will start deliberately delaying the payment citing various reasons (this is not my only complaint on the Askgamblers site, and not the only one with Paradise Casino either).

I made my third withdrawal and also it was cancelled and now the reason was:

"Dear Friend,

We want to inform You that Your withdrawal request was canceled due to additional verification procedure. We kindly ask you to upload a selfie + ID into your account in «Documents» tab

Thank you for understanding!

Best regards,

Paradi­se C­asi­no S­upport Team."

-Ok, this was the point when I realized that the matter was going to be difficult, I have faced similar actions before. It is a bit questionable to demand pictures like this, which can be misused, for example, in marketing (how does the casino give the player guarantees about the careful preservation of data protection?).

Despite this, I had to send them a picture of me holding my passport, even though all the documents I've sent before were really accurate and sharp pictures (passport, proof of address etc).

After that I got message from "Paradise VIP team" (which I have never belonged to before):

"Title: You're a winner! Congrats! ;)Hey, **** You've done well and your reward is already waiting in the account for you to claim it! Enjoy your prize and may the luck never leave you!"

I went to my account and I saw that they added to my account automatically some kind "Internal the Weekly tournament prize" campaign, which has 1500euros more wagering (50 x 30). The email message prompts me to claim it myself, even though the casino had already done it themselves, I thought it was strange. I realized that probably the ulterior motive here was to mislead the player, because in paradisecasino's terms and conditions says:

"b11. The maximum win restriction persists after the completion of the wagering requirement. The maximum you will ever be able to withdraw from play with funds associated with a weekly tournament prize is 2,000 EUR/USD; 3,000 CAD/NZD; 220,000 JPY"


"b14. Only one bonus can be claimed at a time. Deposit related bonuses cannot be “stacked”. Paradise Casino management reserve the right to void any bonuses and/or winnings obtained by fraudulent behavior."

So, my balance was suddenly 4400euros (origi­nal­ ­balance was 4350euros and they had added a bonus of 50 euros with a turnover of 30x). In other words, after the new 1500 euros wagering (even if I had won more) they would have invoked this "b11" -point in their conditions for my withdrawal or they would have taken the entire amount citing term "b14".

I went to the customer service chat and told that I have never taken such a bonus. The chat person claimed that I participated in such a campaign because it was active on my account. I told them that this was added automatically on behalf of the casino after the email. Customer service finally agreed to remove the bonus.

I decided to stay in a same withdrawal amount (1350euros) and see what happens next. Finally my fourth withdrawal went through and paradisecasino paid 1350 euros. After that my balance was 3000 euros on my account. I didn't want to play at the casino anymore, because it started to feel like a place where you have to fear whether your winnings will be paid out in the future as well. After my fifth withdrawal I got message:

Emma Mon, 03/13/23 3:14 pm "Dear ****, We have to inform you that the bonus you've been playing with has the maximum win amount. Allowed amount has been successfully processed to you and, unfortunately, the rest of your win is subject of subtraction. We kindly ask you to observe our Bonus Terms & Conditions and be more attentive next time. Sorry for any inconvenience caused and hope for your understanding. Should you have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or via live-chat.Best Regards, Paradise Casino Support Team "

I tried to go to my account and when I try to login the system says: "Your account is disabled". Paradisecasino's chat person cannot find my account so the only thing I have been able to do has been to send an email and asking where this withdrawal limit is based on. In response I only received: 

"Felicia Wed, 03/15/23 4:28 am Dear ****, 1,350 EUR is a maximum win, and it was processed to you."

In other words, the withdrawal restriction in this case has been based on complete arbitrariness, which is why my account has also been closed. Nowhere in the terms of the campaign (the campaign which I have wagered) isn't any mention about the maximum winning amount (all other later arguments are false) and they are also completely self-invented after all the delay attempts. Even after the first withdrawal my money was not removed from my account. Only after my fifth withdrawal my account was just closed for no reason, when the means ran out.

I demand Paradisecasino to open my account back and also pay my 3000euros to my bank account. I also want answers to my questions, why is there a deliberate attempt to lead the player to make a mistake before the withdrawal? I always read the campaign terms and bonus terms on the Casino's website carefully before playing. I'll never use maximum withdrawal bonuses and this bonus was not like that either. It is also proven by all the actions of the casino mentioned above to prevent the withdrawal.

The fact that I follow terms (stake limits, game limits, etc.) means that I commit to them. However, it also means that the casino itself commits to them, and does not come up with new conditions afterwards. Equally it also means that the casino cannot deliberate attempt to mislead the player in order to confiscate the winnings. Such activity is completely against the rights of the players and against the MGA license.

I really hope that this is some kind misunderstanding on the part of the Paradisecasino. If the matter is not resolved even here, I'm forced to bring all the facts to MGA's attention with the necessary screenshots and attachments. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht am 22. März 2023

Dear Paradise Casino,

Please let us know if there are any updates regarding this ongoing complaint.

Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, we will consider your case unresolved and it will be closed accordingly. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Veröffentlicht am 24. März 2023

Good afternoon.
We are investigating your case. We will come back you with full explanation.

Paradise Casino.

lucky0ne Finnland
Veröffentlicht am 27. März 2023

Hello and thank you for the reply.

For the AGCCS team:
We still keep this complaint open, this has not progressed in any direction. I am still waiting for my money and the casino's response to their exceptional behavior. I would also ask that we keep all answers public, so they are also valuable information for future Paradisecasino players and the matter stays as transparent as possible. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht am 31. März 2023

Dear Paradise Casino,

Please let us know if there are any updates regarding this ongoing complaint.

Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, we will consider your case unresolved and it will be closed accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Veröffentlicht am 3. April 2023

I am happy to explain everything.
As you can see on attached screen, promo email contains link to Bonus Terms & Conditions on (https­://­­rad­ise­cas­­m/b­onu­s-t­erms) Point b22 (attached screen) clearly states the maximum win that can be withdrawn from any bonus promo. By mistake of our representative you have been paid more than the maximum 1 000EUR. Then - according to standard technical procedure - your account was temporarily blocked in order to reset the balance of the remaining amount. Your account was active right after procedure and you can free access to it.
We are regulated casino and need to follow strict procedures in terms of verification of our players. It is for their own safety. Therefore we are asking for additional documents if needed in order to fulfill due diligence requirements. We are fully aware that it might be difficult, sometimes inconvenient for our clients but we need to follow regulatory guidelines. We collect and store the customer data in compliance with GDPR and highest information security standards and procedures.

Veröffentlicht am 3. April 2023

Dear @lucky0ne,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to update your complaint in a timely manner and confirm if you consider the issue resolved. Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe we will consider your case resolved and it will be closed accordingly.

Please keep in mind that as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaint system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

lucky0ne Finnland
Veröffentlicht am 3. April 2023

Thank you for your message AGCCS team.
I have not received every answers to the issue and I will not withdraw the complaint until it is resolved.

For Paradisecasino:

Thank you for your answer, this is good to hear that my data is safe. It is also completely normal and clear for me to send all the required documents when asked. However, it is also about essential documents: an experienced player can easily notice if irrelevant documents are asked for some kind of delay attempt. Well, how this point even related to this complaint? It's about the whole picture: 1. the player makes a larger than average withdrawal 2. the casino delays the payment also by asking for irrelevant documents 3. the casino tries to add a campaign so that the player makes a mistake and the money is removed 4. the casino runs out of options and they close the account.
You hopefully understand that for this reason, telling everything essential is important because it is included in this overall case.

So the matter is clear in this KYC-regard now and hopefully you're not going try to ignore the topic too much with this.
As for the bonus itself:

- When I asked about the subject first time after closed account, I was told suddenly three times that the maximum withdrawal amount was in this campaing 1350euros. That's not even in Paradisecasino's terms and conditions. Paradisecasino cannot decide a random winning amount for the player afterwards, it must be clearly stated to the player before player participates in the promotion.

- In the conditions mentioned in the campaign email, the player (me) is not informed about the maximum withdrawal amount, even it is clearly stated directly in some of your emails. Customer service also says that it should be mentioned in the promo email, if there is one.

-In terms of "b22." it is not stated that "any" bonus contains a maximum withdrawal amount.

-Your customer service has also confirmed (there is a screenshot of this as well) that every campaign not contains a maximum withdrawal amount.

-You don't tell in your answer why Paradisecasino added a new campaign on top of the 4350 euro balance, even though I couldn't win more? (If I had touched the bonus, I would have lost all my money, because according to the terms and conditions bonuses cannot be stacked). I see this as a clear attempt to mislead the player after the previous delays. Also as a dishonest action towards the player.

- Along with the player, Paradisecasino also has a responsibility and the participation in the campaign and the terms of use must be clear and without loopholes. After this, the casino cannot claim a mistake if they find themselves in an unpleasant situation (the player withdraws his money). The next question is; does two different people in your Customer Service make also a mistake when telling that the maximum withdrawal amount is 1350 euros? Does the third customer service person make a mistake when telling them that not all campaigns contain the maximum withdrawal amount? What can the player trust at all, if everything is at odds with each other and everyone "make mistakes"?

- After all, I'm looking at this whole picture:
Paradisecasino has tried after document delays to mislead the player (me) regarding the withdrawal attempt by adding purposely a second campaign. When the options have run out, my account has been closed and a random maximum withdrawal amount (1350e) has been decided, because the campaign did not have such a thing in the beginning. Maybe also worth of mentioning is that after complaining here to Askgamblers AGCCS team, I got a message from Paradisecasino that I can no longer receive any bonuses from them in the future.

I still demand my money that belongs to me (€3000) to be returned to my casino account and I want the casino to grant to the insufficient campaign-specific conditions in this case. In future I hope that Paradisecasino clarify its campaign-specific conditions and, if necessary, add the word "any" or "every" to its campaign-specific conditions. Hopefully also the customer service would be invested in and they would not give random information to the player, which is not in line with their own terms.

Lastly I hope that Paradisecasino does not delay each of its answers until the very last hours when it is possible within the scope of the complaint. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht am 5. April 2023

Hello again,
Our Bonus Terms and Conditions regulate use of any kind of bonus we issue to our players unless it is stated differently. On the screenshot you can see listed "deposit bonus" which you used during the promotion. Promotional email you have received contained link to Bonus Terms and Conditions. We say clearly that maximum win from the bonus is 1 000 EUR. You have been paid your wins in the amount of 1 350 EUR and the rest of the funds were forfeited from your account as win above the limit. Paradise Casino will not proceed with any payments.
The Weekly Tournament Prize was added automatically a result of your gameplay. We organize plenty of tournaments for our players. Prize was removed per your request. I can assure you that it was not added to your account with any bad intention as you mention.
As per KYC. As a regulated casino we are obliged to ask for any documents required to verify legitimacy of players funds and players identity. We understand that this process can be inconvenient to our players but we need to follow regulations.

All the best!

Veröffentlicht am 5. April 2023

Dear @lucky0ne,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to update your complaint in a timely manner and confirm if you consider the issue resolved. Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe we will consider your case resolved and it will be closed accordingly.

Please keep in mind that as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaint system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

lucky0ne Finnland
Veröffentlicht am 8. April 2023

Hello and thank you for your reply. It's still a matter of the fact that this campaign didn't include the maximum withdrawal limit, when we also take into consideration the attempts to complicate withdrawal process in a different ways.

You claimed also earlier that each ("any") campaign contains a maximum withdrawal limit, although it is not true:


"Hello Brian! Could you please tell is there any winning limits on promotions?"



"Well, it can really depend so I wouldn't be able to provide an accurate answer unless you know the exact bonus. 😕"


"Yes, so that it varies depending on the bonus, right?"


"That's correct!"

The information given to the player cannot contradict each other. After the fact, the casino cannot claim a mistake either, if your customer service has first come up with the maximum withdrawal limit themselves (which is not even mentioned in your terms and conditions):


Wed, 03/15/23 4:28 am

Dear ****,

1,350 EUR is a maximum win, and it was processed to you."

Also if there is a maximum payout limit, it must be clearly visible to the player before the player makes a decision when participating in the campaign.

In some of your promotional e-mails such a maximum withdrawal limit is stated, some not.

The terms on your website cannot be open to interpretation, they must be clearly understandable.

Every bonus on your site does not include a maximum withdrawal limit, and I have not participated in a campaign where there was one.

In addition, Paradisecasino cannot arbitrarily decide afterwards for each withdrawal how much the customer can withdraw from his bonus. For example, in your latest review here at Askgamblers, you have told a Finnish player that the maximum withdrawal limit for Finns is 1000 euros. There is no mention of this on your site either:


16 reviews

August 18, 2022

"Players from Finland are limited to 1,000 EUR in maximum winnings that will be paid out resulting in a welcome bonus or a deposit bonus. Wow! Paradise casino does not live up to its name and that is very disappointing."

I'm waiting for Paradisecasino to admit their mistake and return my money to my account. Also have to think about whether this kind of operation can be really reliable (Trust level @Askgamblers), because players receive conflicting information regarding bonuses, Paradisecasino tries to lead the player to make a mistake during the withdrawal by adding additional campaing(which aims to prevent the entire withdrawal) and finally end up with a random withdrawal amount.

We players are customers at the casino, we experience the whole thing, including customer service and sometimes we also (and unfortunately) see various attempts to make withdrawals difficult. The casino can say anything about the complaint afterwards, referring to errors. In my opinion, the casino must take equal responsibility for the information given to the player and remain truthful.

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