Hi there i recently deposited 50 dollars on this site over the holiday weekend in canada. I sent all the proper documents but they are saying my proof of purchase is no good. I put the money on may 18th but it didnt post in my account until may 19 becuz of banks being closed due to long weekend. I sent them a screen shot of my bank account with the payment going out. So then they said send us the email proving payment i did that as well then they denied again. Then i took it a step further and talked to them via live chat where the person told me ok if u wanna cash out put 10 dollars on instadebit once that goes through cash out via that method.....so i took the time made an instadebit account did all that work and then they denied that as well. Very frustrating. Since then they have not responded to any of my emails nor do they have anoyone available on live chat as i have waited for over 45 minutes numerous times. I dont unserstand why their giving me such a hard time and now ignoring me completly. Thank you for your help in this matter. First time too just totally being ignored by one of these casino sites just cuz im trying to cash out.
Dear Ryan,
unfrotunately, as we can see in your account, you haven't yet uploaded the proofs we need, particularly:
- proof of the deposits to our casino from your Bank account (account owner's name, IBAN and the details of the transaction have to be specified);
- screenshot of your Bank account used for withdrawing (account owner's name and the IBAN have to be specified).
As soon as these are uploaded, we will be ready to consider your withdrawal.
Please, keep in mind that these docs are obligatory for us!
Thank you for you understanding!
I did send a screen shot of the transaction to them but my name was not visible. Its only visible on my bank statement which is available on the 17th of each month so i cant get a copy of it till then. Ive been in contact with gigidat the company i did etransfer with to try and get a receipt through them. Thank you
Thank you, too, Ryan, we'll be looking forward to seeing the docs.

Dear @Ryanmc,
Please let us know if there are any updates regarding your ongoing complaint. In case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, please be notified that we will consider your case resolved and it will be closed accordingly.
Kindly note that as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaints system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Hi sorry had trouble replying. No the issue hasnt been resolved as i dont have access to a bank statement for the month of may until june 15. Once i do i will send my whole bank statement to them proving my despoit. I did get a receipt from gigidat proving my despoit but that was denied as well. Again sorry for the late reply and thank you for your help. I will yave my bank statement on june 15 at which time i will send to paradise casino again and hopefully that solves the matter
Dear Ryan,
feel free to upload the documents needed into your personal account as soon as you have them.
Looking forward to, thanks in advance!

Dear @Ryanmc,
Please let us know if there are any updates regarding your ongoing complaint. In case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, please be notified that we will consider your case resolved and it will be closed accordingly.
Kindly note that as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaints system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
I will not receive my bank statement until june 15 at which time i will send my whole bank statement
Hi all,
Ryan, feel free to upload the documents needed into your personal account as soon as you have them.
We will be looking forward to it, thank you for your cooperation!

Dear @Ryanmc,
Please let us know if there are any updates regarding your ongoing complaint. In case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, please be notified that we will consider your case resolved and it will be closed accordingly.
Kindly note that as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaints system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
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