Inter void my winnings of 6829 after i provide him with all the necessary verification,2 kind of notary documents signed and the casino claiming that was not the case.
i told them to call the notary and verify it was me and he refuse to do it,so on what based you are declining my documents?!
i can give him any proof that he wants that i am the real player.
please askgamlers help me to get some justice here.

Dear @kwandobr,
Any update regarding your complaint? Thank you.
no i did not hear anything back from the casino.
We are aware of the case referred to, it dated back to 2013 and so it’s surprising it has been brought up again almost two and a half years later.
As you may be aware since this customer played, InterCasino has been bought by another company however the anti-fraud staff are still in place and are aware of this specific case. As part of the KYC process, especially for suspicious transactions such as this, full documentation is requested and in extreme cases (as this was) enhanced KYC is requested including documentation signed by a notary or solicitor.
When the company received the KYC signed by a solicitor there were some clear signs that the documents had been altered and information changed, including that the solicitors stamp had been copied into the document. In addition we checked with the Solicitors in Ireland who had signed the documents to confirm its authenticity and they refused to confirm stating data protection. It was with these two pieces of information that the Company were satisfied that there was a significant risk of fraud.
Should the customer give us permission to speak directly to the Solicitor then we could re-examine if not I feel confident in the findings that there was a high potential of fraudulent documentation in this case which is not only against our terms and conditions but also against our licensing conditions and the law.
Yours sincerely,
Casino Manager
i agree to speak again with the Solicitor,if you want i can make new notarized ID, that will satisfy you to pay me winnings in full?

Any development regarding this case.
Hello again AskGamblers,
i have sent the casino email saying that i would supply them new notarized ID and after i have sent them this they can immediately contact the lawyer to make sure it's authentic. i think is the best solution here to resolve this issue.i don't know what can i do more to prove them my identity.

This complaint has been reopened as per submitter's request and AskGamblers Complaints Team would like to give it one more try and help both parties involved into the dispute reaching to a satisfactory resolution.
after i get an agreement with the casino that if i supply them new notarized copy and phone number of the firm to verify my details they will reopen account and pay me my winnings.
after i did everything they ask casino replay me that the due to 'unsuccessful' verification they will not reopen the account and will not pay me winnings. this is very unfair after i did everything they request ,time and money, inter casino not paying me legitimate winnings!
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