14 Days ago I have deposited there with sofortüberweisung which is an instant deposit method.
The withdrawal was pending, i went to support and they said its a technical problem with sofort deposits.
The next day they told me that they had a technical issue with sofort and the financial team will take care about it.
Of course the money already has been deducted from my bank account, I also did send them the banking statement.
Since 13 days the support does not even reply to my emails anymore, neither the money has been credited.
Hiya Lucas!
I have checked your account and indeed your deposits was not credited.
We are still not received reply from Sofort and our payment provider about this issues - that's why you still waiting.
Saying this, I have credited your account with 150EUR real money. I've added 50EUR cash for you just as my personal sorry. I will speak with CS about notifying customers properly on what's going on.
I am really sorry, it is not something that you should expect from us.
ASKG team, please mark complaint solved after user confirm that he received money.
Best regards
Betchan casino management
I can confirm that the money has been credited. Thank you very much. I am still a bit upset that there was so little communication with me. This complaint can be marked as resolved.

Based on submitter's last post AskGamblers Complaints Team consider this case as Resolved and it is officially closed now.
Thank you all for your cooperation.
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