Casumo Casino - Asking for the impossible to verify



Unseriöses Casino

Casumo Casino


$ 13084

Veröffentlicht am 3. Mai 2022

Hello! I’m a long time player at casumo casino and many others. They had me waiting for a cashout of about 3k and I verified my bank documents and was good to go. I was awaiting the money to come off the site when I received another email from support stating they want to know my source of wealth. From then began a long and tremulous process that yielded no end. I submitted bank documents and they were received and reviewed. After that they asked me for more bank documents (the exact ones I had submitted ) as my visa debit was used. My visa is a virtual card and connected with my bank account. I already submitted its statements. They are within the debit account. There exists no other documents yet they continue to ask for them.

Fast forward some play later I’m now at 6k cashout but unable to request withdrawal.

More correspondence with the team leads to them getting frustrated with me as they’re asking for documents and I’m submitting them in the chat. I am now at 10k withdrawal and am receiving no answers in the chat. They’ve now come to ask for documents from benefactors whom I do not have access to their records. I questioned them if closing my account would lead to me being paid out and they said I would need to complete the verification. I sent in my wins from other casinos and even asked other casinos for the transaction pages with my name on it for Casumo. Once they received those they rejected my verification and asked for everything again. I am going to be in contact with a lawyer to see my options. I am verified in every other way except for this source of wealth check which I did my very best and submitted every document I could myself access for their viewing. I am willing to leave Casumo but not without the money I am entitiled to.

Veröffentlicht am 3. Mai 2022

Dear @Angelleila,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to update your complaint accordingly and clarify the total amount of the disputed withdrawal request/s.

Please keep in mind that, as per the AGCCS Guidelines, providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks for cooperating with the AskGamblers Complaint Team.

Veröffentlicht am 3. Mai 2022

Hey! Thanks for the reply. My account balance on casumo is $13717.90. I am not permitted to withdraw as of now.

Veröffentlicht am 3. Mai 2022

Still in pending for document review, as they were asking for resubmissions (no date on the letter) but I am unable to provide the letters for two of the people they have asked for

Veröffentlicht am 4. Mai 2022

Hi there Angelleila,

At Casumo, we are committed to providing a safe gambling environment, and adhere to the regulations set out in our license as well as all applicable European financial laws. This means that we may need to request documents in relation to your source of funds or identity, and they have to be approved before we are able to send any funds to you.

If we have requested benefactor letters from you, this is required in order to understand the source of your deposits and comply with all of our regulatory requirements.

While we understand that this process can be a tedious one to get through, it is a process that we are legally required to complete in full. Rest assured, our ambassador team is here to help you through any challenges you may be facing.

As we cannot look up nor discuss account specific details, I can't see the exact status of your account at the moment, however, we would be more than happy to have a senior agent look into this. Please hop into our live chat or contact our ambassadors on [email protected] and we'll get down to business.

Wishing you all the best for a speedy resolution!



Veröffentlicht am 5. Mai 2022

I am currently under more document review please standby for results this has been week 2

Veröffentlicht am 6. Mai 2022

I am patiently awaiting responses to my submissions but they do not respond to me directly and I have to go into the chat to figure out whether or not they need anything more but turns out after I asked over and over they needed my boyfriends payslips again so I resubmitted. My balance is $13569.80

Veröffentlicht am 9. Mai 2022

Hey There Angelleila,

Thanks for reaching back out to us.

We appreciate your patience during the process and thank you for your cooperation.

We look forward to reaching the resolution once a suitable outcome has been found.



Veröffentlicht am 9. Mai 2022

A resolution has been reached between the casino and myself. They have closed my account as per my verification outcome and have sent out my payment $ 13 084 to date. I am awaiting bank deposit writhing 5 days. Will update when received.

Veröffentlicht am 12. Mai 2022


We are thrilled to hear your issue has been resolved! If there is anything else our team can do for you, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Veröffentlicht am 12. Mai 2022

Money has been deposited to my account. Thank you

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