I opened an account at work, an office block that has at least 500 computers running from the same IP address, in my office our computers have autofill so when i opened accounts for my workmates, my details went in and i thought nothing of it, anyhow i won a total of£3784.45 on my own account and then went on livechat for details of withdrawal, they stated that all i needed to do was deposit £30 to withdraw, i did this and the withdraw went through. The next day i went onto the site to check the progress and was told on livechat that my account cancelled and withrawals cancelled also !!!, I won this money fair and square, this is the only account ive deposited into... Now, if this account was being questioned and was never going to pay out, the chat host looking at my account at the time i was asking how to withdraw should have told me that this was the case and i would have never deposited £30, THIS IS THEFT BY CASINO770 AND A GENUINE MISTAKE ON MY BEHALF, I am now engaging in talks with THE LOTTERY AND GAMING AUTHORITY MALTA Who if they can will resolve this matter, i wouldnt mind but £30 is alot of money let alone £3784.45
Unseriöses Casino
AskGamblers Complaints Team have been provided with valid evidence on behalf the management of NetBet Casino where it is clearly displayed that player had opened more than one account. Player by these actions violated general casino terms and conditions.
Based on the above, AskGamblers Complaints Team consider this case as Resolved and it is now officially closed. In case of a disagreement with our decision we remind player that further assistance on this matter could be requested from the relevant regulatory body.
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