BGO Casino - Account closure and money confiscation



Unseriöses Casino

BGO Spielothek
Veröffentlicht am 9. Juli 2014

i opened an account on sunday 15/06/14, after an hour of playing they closed it, i had deposited two payments of £25 i was winning £200 when it was closed, they say i have 2 accounts, which i dont, my son admitted that he used my details to play as i had allowed him to use my bank card, i did not know he had played on this site, so i opened an account in good faith, they have said they will open the original account, but have taken my deposits and my winnings, i have explained that i did not know the other account was in my name, so if they suspected it was a 2nd account why did they take my deposits, i will take this to the top and have sought legal advice, feel like i have been conned.

Veröffentlicht am 18. Juni 2014

Hi Alan
We have provided a detailed response for our rationale for closing this account.

I understand you have now pursued the matter through the AGCC, so naturally we can not comment further now, as they will provide an independant stand point assessing all relevant information.

They will in turn provide a final response, and you are welcome to appeal this if you wish to.

Andrew Chadwick
Customer Service Manager

Veröffentlicht am 19. Juni 2014

This matter has not been resolved, if they suspected i had another account they should not have let me deposit twice, i want the account re-opened or my money back.

Veröffentlicht am 21. Juni 2014

no my complaint has not been resolved.

Veröffentlicht am 24. Juni 2014

No my complaint has not been resolved.

Veröffentlicht am 1. Juli 2014

This complaint has been reopened upon Submitter's request.

Veröffentlicht am 3. Juli 2014

Hi Alan

We provided a thorough and detailed response to our rationale behind our decision to close your account.

Since this initial response, I understand that you are pursuing the matter now further via the AGCC, so we are not willing to comment further at this point in time.


Andrew Chadwick
Customer Services Manager

Veröffentlicht am 5. Juli 2014

No this matter is not resolved, BGO took money from me by allowing me to
deposit, when they say i had another account with them, so i want my money
paid back to my card.

Veröffentlicht am 9. Juli 2014

Hi Alan
As I stated in the previous email, the matter has been concluded from our end.

Therefore any other communication need to be directed at the AGCC


Customer Services Manager

Veröffentlicht am 9. Juli 2014

This issue is resolved, due to the fact that this is the direct breach of T&C of the casino, also we get AGCC confirmation. This complaint is closed.

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