
7BitCasino - 7BitCasino Sent 900 dollars of my ETH To Unknown Address





$ 900

投稿日 2024年1月25日


My name is < full name removed > and I've been playing at 7bit casino for many years but this has to be the worst problem and experience I have had on any casino site in my entire life. I requested a .37 ETH withdrawal last night and confirmed my Coinbase wallet address via the email link that you all sent to me which was: 0xD331­23d­F79­20A­BeA­686­59b­dcb­3D3­32C­2d7­FB20De

I waited patiently for it to be processed as your website claims to process these transactions immediately but around hour 5 , I noticed a notification on your website saying my withdrawal request had been approved and processed

. So I went to my Coinbase wallet but saw no transaction. So I started a new chat with casino chat support , and he gave me the hash ID I requested which I then went to look up on the etherscan website to see the details of the transaction. I could see the wallet address the ETH was sent from and where it went and it was sent to an unknown wallet address that is not mine and not one I have ever owned or been affiliated with. I explained all of this about 10 times to chat support and email support agents who continued to tell me that the casino sent the ETH to the wallet address i provided even when I confronted them with screenshots and photo evidence to the contrary. They have stopped responding and consider the issue resolved because the ETH was sent out from the casino successfully! LOL Are you kidding me ! They sent to a random wallet that I never have seen nor confirmed with them. That’s all my money in the world. I have nothing until this is fixed.

I need to have this problem fixed immediately or there is going to be a big problem between me and the casino. please help me. I want to do this peaceful and civilly if possible and to just get what is rightfully mine. Please respond to this email with a solution to this mess that was created on your side and not mine. I need these funds today. Thank You

I’ve attached the etherscan data on the transaction to unknown wallet, the email sent to me to confirm my actual wallet, and my Coinbase Wallet ID to confirm ETH was not sent to that address. Madness

< personal information removed >

投稿日 2024年1月25日

I need more time to gather these communications between myself and the casino. There are 50+ emails to go through and I had requested that all chat support conversations be emailed to me, which the casino said they have done, but I have not received anything from them yet. I Believe they are again stalling as to make my job of gathering evidence more difficult than it already is. I just need a bit more time. There’s so many emails where I am proving my side of the story, but they provide no evidence to the contrary. Just their word they believe to be powerful and respected enough to be taken on its face.

投稿日 2024年1月26日

Ok. I am attaching 10 email files out of the dozens that were written back and forth. The casino only replies with the same response, and that is they successfully sent my ETH to the last wallet address I entered into their system, which is a lie. They cannot provide any evidence that I requested my cashout to that wallet that does not belong to me and had never seen before.

投稿日 2024年1月29日

More of the same from the casino email support. It starts with me confronting them with facts about the destination of my withdrawal last week and ends with them saying it went to the correct wallet address, which is of course, not true. They won’t acknowledge anything I’ve shown them or said and it looks like they are down to the final hours to even respond at all in this forum. They should be blacklisted. I’ve spent at least 40 hours working on this issue and I’m getting nowhere with the casino.

投稿日 2024年1月31日

Dear 7BitCasino,

Please let us know if there are any updates regarding this ongoing complaint.

Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, we will consider your case unresolved and it will be closed accordingly. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

投稿日 2024年2月2日


Thank you for brought this issue to our attention. We extend our heartfelt apologies for any frustration or inconvenience you may have encountered during your experience on our platform.

Our team has conducted a thorough examination of your account, and we wish to clarify the withdrawal process. Withdrawals are solely initiated by the player on their own account. The casino is unable to process a cashout unless the customer has initiated the request beforehand. When utilizing Coinspaid for withdrawals, it's essential to note that funds are sent to the specific address provided by the player in the "Wallet" section.

The player has initiated the withdrawal of funds, the address of the wallet has been entered by the player, and the funds have been sent to the address provided by the player. Hence, ensuring the accuracy of the crypto-address and maintaining continuous access to it becomes the player's responsibility. We stress the importance of careful consideration when entering withdrawal details to facilitate a seamless transaction process and minimize the risk of errors.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to help!

Best regards,
7Bit Casino team

投稿日 2024年2月2日

Dear @robtomaka40,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to update your complaint in a timely manner and confirm if you consider the issue resolved. Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe we will consider your case resolved and it will be closed accordingly.

Please keep in mind that as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaint system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

投稿日 2024年2月2日

I see that you took the maximum amount of time to respond, and you’ve responded with the same lie you keep telling me, which is that I inputted the wallet address you sent my ETH to.
I cannot believe that is the story that you’re sticking with when I have shown proof that I confirmed two different ETH Coinbase wallets for the casino which were: 0xD331­23d­F79­20A­BeA­686­59b­dcb­3D3­32C­2d7­FB20De
Please see attached emails from the casino asking me to confirm these addresses for withdrawal.
The casino sent my .37 ETH to wallet:
0xB704­A75­751­B15­8B6­F4b­7C5­5d5­69b­0e4­746­756EA5, a wallet that is unknown to me and which I never received an email from the casino to confirm this wallet address nor did I input the address at the casino website for withdrawal.
I obtained this wallet address only from etherscan.io using the hash # 0xd94b­c40­510­115­dfd­562­ea5­715­6b8­a97­3d6­ddd­7ce­13b­7c7­4ef­3f3­322­3b8­0f2a66
that was given to me by casino chat support. Otherwise, I have no knowledge of who owns this wallet or anything else about it.
You have provided no resolution or even acknowledged that an error has occurred on your end. Please show me something that states that I asked for my ETH to be send to that unknown wallet address. You must have some records or documents showing this if it’s true. I’d like to see them.

I’m attaching the two emails from 7bit asking to confirm my Coinbase ETH wallets, screenshots of me retrieving those same wallets from Coinbase, and then the etherscan.io data I retrieved using the hash # I got from casino support.

投稿日 2024年2月5日


We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding while resolving this issue.

Our team, together with the payment provider, has investigated the incident related to your withdrawal. As a result, we found out that the funds were requested to the address: 0xB704­A75­751­B15­8B6­F4b­7C5­5d5­69b­0e4­746­756EA5, you can also see it on this link: https:­//e­the­rsc­an.i­o/­tx/­0xd­94b­c40­510­115­dfd­562­ea5­715­6b8­a97­3d6­ddd­7ce­13b­7c7­4ef­3f3­322­3b8­0f2a66. We kindly ask you to pay attention to the fact that the withdrawal of funds to the cryptocurrency wallet is the sole responsibility of the player, and the casino cannot independently initiate or change the withdrawal.

In addition, one of the reasons for making a withdrawal to the wrong crypto address may be a virus that infected your device. The virus can change the crypto address you inserted to a fraudulent one. The virus uses a custom database consisting of numerous third-party crypto addresses, which are instantly replaced by the copied addresses as soon as the software recognizes them. You can read more about this malware, as well as recommendations for its removal at this link: https:­//h­elp.cr­ypt­opa­y.m­e/e­n/a­rti­cle­s/3­415­089­-vi­rus­-th­rea­t-b­itc­oin­-ad­dre­ss-­swi­tcher. Please note that ensuring your own cybersecurity is a player's responsibility. Unfortunately, neither the casino nor the payment provider can influence an already successful online transaction.

In case you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,
7Bit Casino team

投稿日 2024年2月6日

Hi 7bitcasino,

I appreciate you taking the time to write up the response that you did, but I still have major issues with your version of the events that transpired, and am not buying that a virus on my iPhone is the culprit in this case.

Your evidence of what took place I’m assuming, is the etherscan link you just posted, which shows nothing more than what I had already established and what I had actually posted the exact same information, just mine was done via screenshot rather than a link. And that is that the casino sent my .37 ETH to that ETH wallet address 0xB704­A75­751­B15­8B6­F4b­7C5­5d5­69b­0e4­746­756EA5 via transaction hash #0xd94­bc4­051­011­5df­d56­2ea­571­56b­8a9­73d­6dd­d7c­e13­b7c­74e­f3f­332­23b­80f­2a66.

This information was never disputed by me because that is in fact what happened. But where does any evidence show that it was I who requested this transaction be executed? All you have shown is that it was executed, but not in response to a withdrawal request made by me.

Secondly, if let’s say I did request that wallet address 0xB704­A75­751­B15­8B6­F4b­7C5­5d5­69b­0e4­746­756EA5 to be used for my withdrawal or even a virus made it so it appeared that I requested withdrawal to this address, wouldn’t I have had to confirm this new wallet address via email for it to be validated?

If so, then I don’t agree with your version of events, because I never received an email asking to confirm this wallet in question, and if it is the casinos policy to have the player confirm a new wallet address being used for withdrawal via email link, why would you execute a withdrawal without me confirming this new address?

I did receive two emails to confirm completely different addresses which were 0xD331­23d­F79­20A­BeA­686­59b­dcb­3D3­32C­2d7­FB20De and 0x1c8F­924­13f­170­3Ae­5AA­Fa8­A30­E96­D26­2dA­0665Df, and I have the emails to prove it. Those wallet addresses match perfectly with my wallets I obtained from Coinbase, but I never saw an email nor confirmed the wallet address for the wallet you eventually sent my funds to.

So how do you explain that ? And what evidence do you have that I confirmed that new wallet, or if it was not confirmed, why would you send my funds to an unconfirmed wallet address?

Seems the problem or error is 100% on your end from the way I see it but if you can show me some evidence or docs showing otherwise I am very interested in seeing those.

Hope to hear back from you soon

<full name removed>

投稿日 2024年2月6日

And to follow up, I did do a test that would have shown my iPhone to be infected by this Trojan Horse virus, but the address when copied and pasted stated exactly the same , proving my device is not infected as you proposed

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