Dear Sirs,
I joined NovaJackpot on the 12th of Jan 2024, paid in 213 EUR and lost. On the 13th in the morning I paid in another 200 EUR and lost those too. I then checked who NovaJackpot is as you can not immediately see on theor page...and found out its Rabidi N.V.
Rabidi is well aware about my gambling addiction as I told them various times already...but they still take/took my money. I think their argument will be: "we do not share the same database." But this is not true. I today tried to register at another casino from Rabidi I never registered before and I got rejected due to my gambling addiction. Even though thats great they missed to ban me from gambling at NovaJackpot.
So I have written an email on the 13th in the morning, told NovaJackpot about my gambling addiction and asked why they let me response. I wrote another email asking for a refund as they took money from an addicted player, no response.
On the 15th in the morning I deposited another 300 EUR and placed it on a bet in the evening - so my bet was there the whole day. So nearly 3 days after I told them again about my gambling addiction my account was still open.
I then contacted the live chat, asked them why they took money from an addicted player and they just immediately closed down my account without responding to my question.
The casino violated their social responsibility. They are not allowed to take money from addicted players if they know. And they least the last 300 EUR they 100% knew and they did nothing. I assume they deliberately left the account open for me to lose more money.
So I ask for a repayment of the 713 Euros lost.
Dear NovaJackpot Casino,
Please let us know if there are any updates regarding this ongoing complaint.
Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, we will consider your case unresolved and it will be closed accordingly. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
We can confirm that this matter is currently being investigated.
We thank you for your patience and we will update you here as soon as the investigation is complete.
Kind Regards,
Novajackpot Team
Thank you. Lets wait for the reply before this case can be closed.
We sincerely appreciate your patience.
We would like to inform you that we have contacted the customer via email to pursue a resolution.
As soon as there is an update we will provide information about it here.
Best regards,
Novajackpot Team
Please leave this is not solved yet. Thank you
We can confirm that we have reached out to the customer via email.
We are currently awaiting a response from the customer.
Kind Regards,
Novajackpot Team
Please leave this open for now. This is not solved.
We would like to inform you that we are currently engaged in a private discussion with the customer about their claim.
Kind Regards,
Novajackpot Team
Please leave this open for now. This is not solved.
Dear all,
Kindly note that the AskGamblers Complaint Team has just extended the response timeframe for another 96 hours in the hope that NovaJackpot Casino management will soon provide an update regarding this complaint.
Should the operator fail to provide such an update within the specified timeframes, the case shall be considered unresolved and will be closed accordingly. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.
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