

PokerStars Casino - Two times in a row their slots freeze during winning feature


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Casino en conflicto

PokerStars Casino


$ 141.25

helpforfairy Suiza
Publicado el 10 de abril de 2018


I have been playing at pokerstarscasino the last hours. While during a win at Legend of Shangri-La, the programm restarted and on the screen it said, resume last game, but the screen seemed frozen. I have a screenshot of the big win, that i wasnt able to continue. A few minutes later I played at " Finn and the Swirly Spin", again a big win on a big bet. The game crashes, restarts, and says: Continue playing where you left, but I'm unable to continue the game. This has been staying like that, whenver i open the game, it comes to this place. I have already contacted pokerstars, but wanted to open a complaint, since they are quite big wins!

Thank you,

Publicado el 11 de abril de 2018

Good day ,

With regards to Legend of Shangri La, we had contacted the slot game provider and our support have issued you a credit of $141.25. With regards to Finn and The Swirly Spin, we cannot see anything irregular so any prior balances on this game should have been reinstated. Can you please confirm that's the case? If not please contact our support so that they can contact the game provider and reinstate any due funds.

PokerStars Casino

Publicado el 11 de abril de 2018

Dear @helpforfairy,

Please confirm if the issue has been resolved. Keep in mind that in case you fail to respond within the given time frame we will consider your issue as resolved and your complaint will be closed accordingly.

Thank you for your cooperation.

helpforfairy Suiza
Publicado el 12 de abril de 2018

Thank you so much. The issue has been resolved! Great support! Thank you

Publicado el 12 de abril de 2018

Based on submitter's last post AskGamblers Complaints Team consider this case as Resolved and it is officially closed now.

Thank you all for your cooperation.