
Betsafe Casino - Tres pagos no realizados


Información sobre las quejas

Casino en conflicto

Betsafe Casino


€ 1460

Publicado el 25 de junio de 2021

Buenas tardes,

< personal data removed >

El motivo del mensaje es porque hasta la fecha 24/06/2021 no me realizan el abono a mi cuenta. Realice varias solicitudes de retiros y todas fueron aprobadas sin embargo no lo depositan a mi cuenta aun. EN TOTAL SON 3 RETIROS PENDIENTES A MI CUENTA BCP

Ya me intente contactar vía correo con betsafe pero no responden al igual de su sistema de atención al cliente muy malo.

El retiro mas antiguo es el siguiente:


Monto:160.00 PEN

Método de Pago:BANKPAYOUT

Código de Transa­cci­ón:­fsb­idx­s0q­mBe­tsa­feB­ANK­PAYOUT

Luego este:

Fecha: 17/06/2021

Monto:1151.20 PEN

Método de Pago:BANKPAYOUT

Código de Transa­cci­ón:­dov­af1­c89­uBe­tsa­feB­ANK­PAYOUT

Y final este:


Monto: 100.00 PEN

Método de Pago: BANKPAYOUT

Código de Transacción: mgc0do­s7v­1Be­tsa­feB­ANK­PAYOUT


Publicado el 28 de junio de 2021


I hope that it is ok that I respond to you in English. If you would like for this message to be translated into Spanish, please get back to me and I will request for the message to be translated.

I am sorry to hear that you have had a negative experience with your three recently requested withdrawals. After a review of your query I can confirm that all three withdrawals have been processed and approved from our end, that the funds from at the very least the first two withdrawals should have reached your bank account by now. A withdrawal using bank transfer of this kind typically takes 2-5 banking days, so for your last withdrawal, it may still be received on your end before the end of business hours today.

I understand that you have not received these withdrawals in this case, and we will be happy to look into this matter for you. In order for us to begin an investigation, we kindly ask that you provide us with a bank statement for the bank account you have requested your withdrawals too. This needs to show all the transactions from the 16/6 and until today, and we need to be able to verify that the transactions shown are for the bank account you have requested your withdrawals to. Accompanying my reply here in this thread, I have also sent you an E-mail to which you can reply and attach your bank statement.

We will be looking forward to beginning our investigation once the bank statement has been received, and in the meantime, I wish you a lovely day.

Best regards,

Publicado el 28 de junio de 2021

Buenas tardes,
Les comparto capturas de todas las transacciones que tengo disponible en mi cuenta hasta la fecha.
Les agradezco su tiempo, gracias.

Publicado el 30 de junio de 2021


Thank you for providing us with the necessary details for us to look into the matter.

After receiving the transactions list, we have looked into the matter together with the payments provider. Before we are able to process the withdrawal, we have to kindly request some documentations in order to verify your account. The documentation I kindly ask that you provide us with are the following:

A photo of your ID, such as a passport.
A photo of a utility bill as a proof of address from the last 6 months.
A bank statement for your bank account ending with **7658.

I can see that you have already provided us with your ID and bank statement to date, so the only documentation we need to kindly request from you is a photo of a utility bill as a proof of address. Unfortunately, the previous copy you provided us with had another person's name on it and not your own. For this reason, we have to kindly ask that you provide us with another utility bill with your name on it as verification.

Please upload this documentation securely to us when logged into your account on our website, and once approved, we will be happy to look into this matter further for you. We sincerely appreciate your patience and cooperation in this matter.

In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful day.

Best regards,

Publicado el 30 de junio de 2021

Buenos Días comprendo su posición con el comprobante de luz que le envié pero vivo en casa de mis tíos y ese es el recibo que me dieron sin embargo tengo recibo de facturación de INTERNET que si esta a mi nombre eso le puedo enviar, ya que lo demás esta a nombre de mis tíos.
Adjunto mi recibo de INTERNET.

Espero su comprensión,
Saludos Cordiales.

Publicado el 2 de julio de 2021


Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

In order for us to comply with regulations, we cannot receive files via third parties such as documents uploaded here on AskGamblers. I have to instead kindly ask that you upload the documentation to us on our website using the tool with which you uploaded the other documents. I sincerely appreciate your understanding in this matter, and once done, our verifications team will review your document accordingly.

I wish you both a wonderful day and a lovely weekend.

Best regards,

Publicado el 2 de julio de 2021

Les pido por favor que sean serios ya voy subiendo 3 veces mis archivos y los rechaza no se como quieren que compruebe que soy yo la persona, espero logren solucionar mi problema del pago puntualmente.
Me siento muy desconforme con la empresa betsafe.

Publicado el 6 de julio de 2021


After a review of the documentation you have provided, I can confirm that we have had the documentation necessary to get in touch with our provider and request the payments go through. We are hoping that with this, your funds should arrive in your bank account within 2-5 banking days.

Once again, we appreciate your patience and cooperation in this matter, and I wish you a wonderful day.

Best regards,

Publicado el 9 de julio de 2021


I am just updating the thread to ensure that we receive a confirmation that the funds have been received before the complaint is closed.

Best regards,

Publicado el 9 de julio de 2021

Estimado @germanpinedo1997,

El Equipo de Servicio de Quejas de AskGamblers le pide amablemente que actualice su queja a tiempo y que nos informe si ha recibido el pago en disputa. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que, en caso de que no responda dentro del plazo establecido, consideraremos su caso resuelto y, por lo tanto, se cerrará.

Por favor, tenga en cuenta que, según los Términos y Directrices del Servicio de Quejas de Casino de AskGamblers que Ud. ha aceptado al registrarse y al usar nuestro servicio de quejas, está en obligación de proporcionar el nivel necesario de asistencia y cooperación durante el proceso y proporcionar las actualizaciones a tiempo.

Gracias de antemano por su cooperación.