Es decir este casino dada su reputacion en atencion al jugador, confunde el que yo me haya autoexcluido por los motivos ya comentados, con el retiro que me aprobaron y fue gestionado, y en donde se envio lo que me pidieron las trasaciones desde el dia 21 hasta una semana despues (si quieren se lo mando por privado a ASK, no tengo ningun inconveniente), Mucha propaganda de muchisima profesionalidad en la industria del juego, pero con el respeto debido son tan poco inteligentes a tenor de su profesionalidad que confunden la autoexclusion con un retiro aprobado y gestionado por ellos mismos
Felicidades 22bet, por su inteligencia
That is to say, this casino, given its reputation for customer service, confuses the fact that I have excluded myself for the reasons already mentioned, with the withdrawal that they approved for me and that was managed, and where they sent what they asked me for the transactions from the 21st until a week later (if you want, I can send it to ASK privately, I have no problem), A lot of propaganda about a lot of professionalism in the gaming industry, but with all due respect, they are so unintelligent in terms of their professionalism that they confuse self-exclusion with a withdrawal approved and managed by themselves
Congratulations 22bet, for your intelligence