I have used this site many times before and have had no issues. This time I have been waiting almost two weeks for my documents to be verified. And my withdraw to be processed.
I have made many attempts to contact the casino with no luck. I have deleted and re up loaded documents to try and get the system working but nothing has happened it just keeps rejecting since they need to update my verification but they have not done anything or responded.
At first, I thought it was my email address was wrong that I have put limits on my account off and on while I have been waiting which has no effect on the process I’ve done it 100xs before with no issues. I get emails about my limits being set but when I email support I get a return message saying the inbox is full. When I contact directly off the site I get absolutely no response. Ever.
Started out with 200 withdrawal and thought maybe I just needed to play more almost like a wager amount but still nothing.
My first initial withdraw was March 24th approx. it has been rejected over and over again ever since.