I'm scared that this casino is scamming me. I keep requesting withdrawals and they keep cancelling them (without notifying me). Whenever I inquired why, they'd say there is a technical issue with the payment provider and that I should do another withdrawal request. I've been doing withdrawal request after withdrawal request and everytime this has happened. I have used different payment methods but this still has happened. These people may be lying. Firstly, when I do the request, they'll say they've approved the withdrawal and that the payment processer will complete it within 5(!) business days. Then after some das have passed the withdrawalwould be cancelled and each time I would only find out if I happened to go kn the website as I would receive no notification, wasting even more time. The last time this happened the entire 5 days of processing had elapsed. I then inquired as to what was happening and then just minutes later my withdrawal was cancelled. This is absolutely bizzare. After these cancelations all the agent would tell me is "just do a withdrawal again". I've never been told why this keeps happening, what steps they'll take to fix this, nothing. I've Just asked to communicate directly with the payments department but they've refused. All they say is that I must just do another withdrawal and that I must just patiently wait--like a fool-- for this money that will seemingly never come. I'm really angry right now. I was very patient when this happened the first time. I just did my withdrawal request, but now this is just unacceptable. I've been waiting for a week to get these funds and I just have this nagging feeling that come Friday (5 business days) this will happen again and the agent will just say I must do it again and wait 5 days, again. I'm scared that these people will never give me my money and I'm frustrated like hell. My player ID is , removed >. There's no username. Please hide my ID once you've seen this message.
The total amount of money in dispute is $390.05. I am fully verified and I have successfully withdrawn here in the past but this new developers has me very worried. I'd like for there to be greater transparency as to why this has happened, what the casino will do to help me get my funds if this continues happening. I deserve answers and I want my money immediately. I'm tired of waiting. I'm not even sure if this story of "technical difficulties" is even true.