William Hill Casino - Account frozen with more than €70k balance and not communicating at all

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Casinò contestato

William Hill Casino


€ 79640

Chris4622 Austria
pubblicato il 24 novembre 2021

Since 26.10.2021 I no longer have access to my William Hill account on which are at least 79640€ balance. Apparently it was blocked. I have tried to contact William Hill several times both in chat and by email.

Unfortunately, I have not received any information from them to date what is going on and why my account is blocked.

The only statement I got to hear several times in chat was:

We will get back to you within 12 or 24 hours.

Which never happened.

At this point, I unfortunately see no other option than to turn to the public, since William Hill apparently no longer wants to communicate with me without pressure. For your help I would be very grateful!

William Hill Casino Reclami

  • 5 su 33 risolto
  • 4 giorni risposta media
  • 5 giorni durata media del reclamo
  • 7,966 USD importo medio

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