i deposit at the 19. january 110 Euro on Cadoola with a deposit Bonus. After the wager and some big wins i got a 10000 Euro Balance and decided to withdrawal 8500 Euro of it. So i did 2500 Euro steps which is the maximum per transaction to neteller.
I sent the verification docs and at 22. January i get an email from Cadoola (you see in the attachement) that i am full verified and dont need to send any future documents.
After that they told me i need to split my withdraw into 200 Euro steps. Was pretty strange to me but i did.
So in the next 6-8 days they withdraw 4 times 200 Euro to my neteller account.
After that they wrote me that i need to send more verification documents like Bank Transaction. I sent that and the wrote again they need the hole Neteller transaction historie. That doent make any sense but i sent it.
And since 3 weeks now they ask for more and more documents. I sent them allready everthing i got from several bank histories, fully neteller histories of one year.
I sent they way more then they need and also are in my opinion allowed to get!
So the try to delay my withdraw now since long time and evertime i sent a document that is good they find another way and ask for another document to delay everything.
So im still waiting for 7700 Euro!
Im a long time casino player and veryfied at every big and good casino and never had something disgusting like this before.
I also got an affiliate manager from cadoola in my skype contacts, but she also doesnt help me to fix this.
Greets and thx
Jonas < surname removed >
Dear valued customer,
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback.
At the moment your account is being checked by the Security Department. That is why we kindly ask you to provide the information which is stated in the letter you received from the Financial Department.
We would like to remind you that by creating an account at out projects you accept all the Terms and Conditions and agree to follow them. According to the paragraph 7.7 The Casino retains the right to withhold, deny, or cancel payments or certain sums of winnings if there are suspicions that you are abusing the bonuses, promotions, or rules of any game.
As well as it is stated in the paragraph 7.1.3 The Casino retains the right, as it sees fit to perform any checks of a player’s background with credit and financial institutions for verification of the information that has been provided.
Do not hesitate to contact us in the Live Chat or email at [email protected] if you have any additional questions.
Best regards, Cadoola Casino
Dear Cadoola Casino.
Thanks for your answer.
I sent everything to the Security Department, they were asking for. They just won't stop asking for more and more documents to keep delaying my withdrawal.
They are currently asking for a proof I withdrawn money from my Neteller account to my Bank account in the past 6 months. I already sent them a document showing exactly a withdraw from my neteller to my bank. Now they are complaining about that transaction happened after they were asking for it. The problem is that I didn't do any withdrawal from my neteller to my bank account because I always liked having money on my neteller account so I had no reason to transfer it from my neteller account to my bank account.
I also told your security department and your affiliate manager about that problem a few times already but you keep ignoring me.
So what can I do now?
I did absolutely nothing wrong, I just did a legit deposit on your site, played and got lucky. It's not fair by you delaying my withdrawals like that.
Please, you have such a great offer on your casino, don't make it worse by delaying withdrawals like that.
In fact, if I didn't have any trouble with my withdrawals, Cadoola could've become one of my favorite casinos but what you are doing right now is really sad.
You're just asking to get more and more information to delay my withdrawals and if I say I can't deliver that you just ignore what I say.
Why does it matter, if the transfer from my neteller to bank account happened after your security department asked for it?
You guys act like it's illegal to have money on your neteller account without transfering it to your bank account but that's exactly what I prefer to do to seperate my gamble balance from my money I don't want to touch for that. I am just sending money from my neteller to bank account if I win more money than I want to keep on my neteller account for gambling.
I am just trying to be smart, setting a limit for gambling and you want to try to punish me for that.
I hope you understand that and can explain that to your security department so they finally stop ignoring my point.
Thanks for you help.
Dear valued client,
Thank you for taking your your time to write your response.
We would like to clarify the appeared situation.
-The Financial Department has verified the account and made a payment
schedule according to which the amount of 600 euro was already paid out
to the player. Administration kindly asks you to provide a proof that you are the owner
of funds and your gaming activity isn’t connected with money laundering.
This requests are made by the Administration in Accordance with Terms and Conditions paragraphs 4.4. and 5.6.
We want to underline that we are not accusing you in any illegal actions and the extra checking is made only for your safety and the safety of other players.
We want to congratulate you once again with the big win, and we will do our best, to pay out all the winnings as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Cadoola Casino
Dear Cadoola Casino.
Thanks for your answer once again.
But could you please tell me what I can do now? Like I wrote, your security department is asking for a proof I transfered money from neteller to my bank account in the past 6 months. But I simply didn't do that because I wanted to keep my money on neteller for casino deposits and stuff.
I also told you a few times already but sadly you don't listen to me.
Is there any other way to continue the withdrawal process?
Thanks for your help.
Dear valued client,
Thank you for writing the response.
Your request has been sent to the Financial Department.
Please wait for the mail with the response.
Thank you for your patience.
Best regards, Cadoola Casino
Dear Cadoola Casino.
I still waiting for the Financial Departement answer, i hope i will get it soon.
More and more time is going.
Thanks for your help.
Dear valued customer,
Thank you for your response.
We would like to inform you that all your winnings were successfully paid out.
We want to thank you for cooperation and for your patience and wish you luck in future gaming.
Do not hesitate to contact us in the Live Chat or email at [email protected] if you have any additional questions.
Best regards, Cadoola Casino

Dear @tagtraum123,
Please confirm if the issue has been resolved. Keep in mind that in case you fail to respond within the given time frame we will consider your issue as resolved and your complaint will be closed accordingly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Dear Cadoola Casino and askgamblers.
So far i got on 2 times 1000 euro paid out to my bank account. The other payments are in pending list.
But it looks good so far and hope Cadoola will continue like this, so we all be happy.
I will confirm the issue as resolved as soon as I got all my winnings on my bank account.
Thank you very much for your understanding and for your help.
Kind regards

AskGamblers Complaints Team have just extended the response time frame with another 96 hours hoping that Cadoola Casino management will soon jump in with an update on this complaint.
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