inter casino void my winnings of 5000 euro by claiming that i breach out there terms and conditions by put more then 20% max bet from the bonus. when i was playing at the casino the rule was 25% max bet and this is how i play,Suddenly the casino saying that the allowed bet is 20% from the bonus,so why in the website shows 25% from the bonus?! it seemes that they make it on purpose to led me worng.
this is not reasonable.i should get my winnings back.please help me out to get some justice here.

Dear @agustinpe,
Any update considering your complaint? Thank you.
no nothing at all until now.
Dear Agustinpe, we are currently looking into your complaint and we respond very shortly.
Kind regards
okay we are waiting....

Any news?
no nothing is new.
Our responsible department for that are checking things. We will inform you as soon as we have any update.
ok we are still waiting.

We got information that casino send you a response via email. Are you satisfied with a resolution?

We got evidence that for this bonus that is 20% max bet, so we consider this complaint resolved.
インターカジノ 苦情
- 4 / 8 解決済み
- 3日 平均レスポンス
- 1週間 平均苦情ライフ
- 12,115 USD 平均額
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