I am writing to make a complaint regarding InterCasino not adhering to their responsible gaming terms. I recently withdrew in the region of £3100 from InterCasino after a deposit of £500. From previous experiences of having reversed my withdrawal’s, I specifically went onto live chat to request the withdrawal reversible feature to be switched off and I was informed this was not possible. I then requested that my account be locked until the funds I had withdrawn had reached my account which was agreed. The following day as requested I provided InterCasino with a copy of my ID, bank card and online bank statement as proof of address however the online bank statement was not accepted. I then provided a copy of my tenancy agreement as proof of address however this was not accepted as it was not signed. I then forwarded InterCasino a signed copy of the tenancy agreement at 4.40pm however I did not hear back from them. That same evening I went onto live chat with InterCasino and requested my account to be reopened and it was. I then reversed the withdrawal for £3100 and proceeded to gamble it all. I went onto live chat afterwards and I got no satisfaction whatsoever form the representative and after I politely said thanks for her help my account was then closed without me even been informed. I am deeply upset and feel let down that my account was reopened after I specifically requested it to be kept locked until the funds had reached my account. It also states in the InterCasino Responsible Gaming section that ''You can either temporarily exclude yourself from playing for a period of time or close your account''. I did temporary exclude/lock myself out until the funds that had been withdrawn had reached my account however this was still not good enough and my account was reopened. I am aware I requested the account to be reopened the following day after I had made my withdrawal however at the stage the withdrawal should have been processed and if not my original request of locking my account should have been adhered to. I am very disappointed with InterCasinos response so far and feel let down by the Casino.
I attach a screenshot of InterCasinos responsible gaming policy where it clearly states ''You can either temporarily exclude yourself from playing for a period of time or close your account''. I have also attached a screenshot of a conversation I had with Olga the InterCasino live chat representative yesterday where I enquired as to why my account was closed. Olga clearly states my account was closed on the 6th January because I requested it to be closed. Olga also provided me with details of a conversation I had with Stefania a live chat representative on the 6th January and the conversation goes as follows:
Me: Can you freeze my account.
Stefania: I can lock it if you like.
Me: Please lock my account until the £300 has reached my bank account.
Me: £3000 I mean.
Stefania: Ok let me do that now.
As you can see from the screenshots I clearly requested my account to be locked until the withdrawn funds reached my account and this was agreed however InterCasino went against their own Responsible Gaming policy and opened up my account again anyway.
I really feel I am entitled to the original amount that I withdrew from the casino which was in the region of £3100 and as Inter Casino claims to be a responsible casino I would expect a reasonable response to my request.

Dear @john09,
Any update considering your complaint? Thank you.
Hi AskGamblers, at present I have had unsatisfactory responses from InterCasino and am currently waiting for them to get back to me with a reasonable solution to rectify the issue. Thanks for your assistance and I will keep you updated.

This case has been reopened upon casino’s request and we would like to give it one last chance for a successful resolution.
I have tried to come to a resolution with the casino on a number of occasions however i have received absolutely no satisfaction from them.
The simple facts is i requested my account to be frozen until the withdrawn funds had reached my account however this request was not adhered to and it cost me £3100.
I feel aggrieved by this whole situation and am very disappointed by InterCasinos response so far.
Dear John09,
As has been communicated to you and with regret it is for the following reasons that your claim has been rejected.
a) your account was re-opened because you requested it to be on 2 occasions to which you confirmed that this is what you wanted and had not at any point mentioned that it was closed because of responsible gambling reasons. The reason you gave to shut your account was until funds were cleared however........
b) it was your decision (checked twice with you) to re-open the account and play the whole 3100 of which was lost in full knowledge of your account balance.
c) It was not foreseeable that there was a gambling problem.
I'm sorry that we are unable to help you further.
kind regards
InterCasino, please be advised of the following facts. On the 6th January I asked for my account to be frozen in my conversation with Olga. In my mind this is a request for a temporary exclusion in line with your responsible gaming policy. The temporary exclusion was until the funds I had withdrawn had reached my account however the following day my account was reopened.
I was not aware that you have to quote the responsible gaming policy if you want to temporary freeze/ exclude your account and it does not state this fact in your policy. As I am sure you are aware your responsible gaming policy clearly states ‘you can ether temporarily exclude yourself from playing for a period of time or close your account ‘contact support’. I contacted the support to temporarily freeze/exclude my account until the funds had reached my account however this did not happen.
I am willing to come to some sort of an agreement on this matter however so far I have received absolutely no satisfaction from anybody from InterCasino. Can you please advise me on what Inter Casino intend to do to resolve this matter?
Dear John09,
I refer to the letter we sent you directly a few weeks ago. On this occasion, you did not give any indication, nor mention that you wished to close your account due to responsible gaming reasons, therefore there was no reason to suspect that you wanted or needed to.
You were asked twice if you were sure that you wanted to re-open your account before funds had cleared, to which you clearly stated yes. Only after losing, did you give any indication of responsible gaming at which point we closed your account under the gaming responsibility policy.
I'm confident with the above facts that the support team acted responsibly and within the guidelines of the Maltese gaming authority. I'm afraid there is nothing further I can do in this case. You can submit a complaint to the MGA, should you wish to.
Kind regards
I first requested the withdrawal reversible feature to be turned off and was informed this was not possible.
I then requested my account to be frozen until the withdrawn funds had reached my account.
In my mind the above two requests give a clear indication that responsible gaming was needed.
When my account was frozen I was hoping the withdrawn funds would be processed that day however this did not occur and like anyone with gambling issues I requested my account to be reopened which was done against my original request and I proceeded to gamble my original withdrawn funds.
I have tried to comply with your responsible gaming policy however it seems that InterCasino just wants to take the customers money.
I will state once more that your responsible going policy states the following 'you can either temporarily exclude yourself from playing for a period of time or close your account'. This is exactly what I done however this was still not good enough and my account was reopened.
You requested to reopen this complaint however you have not tried to resolve it and have only tried to dismiss it in each and every occasion.
I will be taking this matter to the Malta Gaming Authority.

Beside on the correspondence casino and player didn't find a solution. This complaint is unresolved, and we recommend to the player to seek help with Gambling commission of Malta.
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