MrVegas Casino - MrVegas is holding my 3300 Euro for over 38 days denying my withdrawal



Unseriöses Casino

MrVegas Spielothek


€ 3300

Inaktiver Benutzer
Veröffentlicht am 5. April 2022


I have account on MrVegas Casino for a long time, fully verified, I sent my ID, skrill confirmations, bank details, and selfies. Everything.

On 24th of February 2022 MrVegas Casino restricted my account, they blocked me from making withdrawals. I received this email:

"Annalisa (Mr. Vegas)

Feb 24, 2022, 14:45 GMT+1

Dear <last name removed>

We hope you are enjoying playing on our website.

We are required by law and under the terms of our gambling license to verify your source of your wealth.

Such a check is required so that we can justify your activities and transactions at Mr Vegas. This is not only to protect Mr Vegas, but also you as an individual.

For us to complete this process, and to avoid any further interruptions to your gaming experience, please provide one or more of the relevant documents listed below:

Employment income - payslip with a bank statement, documents confirming salary and/or tax returns;

Inheritance Income - a copy of the will, signed letter from the solicitor;

Investments – a copy of the portfolio statement or bank statement showing receipt of funds and investment company name;

Dispositions – legal agreements bank statements clearly showing receipt of funds;

Property - evidence of title, copies of trust deeds or signed contract of sale;

Ownership of business - audited accounts containing information on dividends;

Confirmation of your source of wealth from regulated professionals such as accountants, auditors, notaries and lawyers;

or any other type of documents which would assist us in understanding your total net worth.

If you have difficulty obtaining any of the relevant documentation listed above, please contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I don't answer the questions?

Access to your Mr Vegas account will be restricted within 30 days.

What will my documents be used for?

We use any customer documentation solely for the purpose of meeting our regulatory requirements. Documents provided will be held on a secure server and never disclosed to any third parties without a legal justification.

Am I suspected of money laundering?

No, this does not mean that any individual is a suspect of any fraudulent activity.

Best regards

Mr Vegas"

A few days later I sent them all documents needed, I sent them a document from a notary showing that I sold my property, that I received this money to my bank account, that I uploaded funds to Skrill and from Skrill, I was making deposits to MrVegas Casino. Also, I sent them Bitpanda crypto trades confirmations showing that I earned a lot of money on trading and this money was also used for future deposits to MrVegas Casino.

Another few days later I was asked to provide Skrill transactions, Bitpanda transactions. I sent them.

And for the next few weeks silence from them. Zero emails, zero information. When I was asking on live chat people were saying to me that this is a standard procedure and I need to wait a little longer. So far I am waiting 38 days since my block on withdrawals.

I have over 3300 Euro on my MrVegas Casino, all comes from my deposits, I never used bonuses. All is mine.

Please, dear Askgamblers, make an intervention, something is off. I am waiting over a month to withdraw my funds.

I sent them all documents they wanted, all is crystal clear, all confirmations prove my story. All is easy to read.

I don't know why they delaying everything for so long, for over a month.

I want my money back, I want to withdraw all to Skrill. I am ready to cooperate on every level.

All I want is to get back my money, please help me.

Veröffentlicht am 8. April 2022


Hope you're doing well!

It seems like you have raised your complaint about a different brand here in our review. Our brand is MrVegasCasino (URL- https:­­­/­/­w­­w­­w.m­­­r­v­­­eg­­a­s­­ca­­­s­in­­­o.c­­­­om/).

The screenshots you have attached here are concerned with the brand MrVegas (URL-

Kindly cross-check and let me know if we can help you any further.

Thank you,
MrVegasCasino Team.

Veröffentlicht am 8. April 2022


Hope you're doing well!

It seems like you have raised your complaint about a different brand here in our review. Our brand is MrVegasCasino (URL- https:­­­/­/­w­­w­­w.m­­­r­v­­­eg­­a­s­­ca­­­s­in­­­o.c­­­­om/).

The screenshots you have attached here are concerned with the brand MrVegas (URL-

Kindly cross-check and let me know if we can help you any further.

Thank you,
MrVegasCasino Team.

Veröffentlicht am 8. April 2022

Dear @adasko123,

Following the latest casino post, and a thorough review of evidence provided, the AskGamblers Complaint Team reached the conclusion that unfortunately your complaint has been submitted with the wrong operator (MrVegas Casino), and therefore has been rejected.

You are welcome to submit a new complaint, but please make sure to choose the correct Operator from the given list in the complaint submission form (Mr Vegas Casino)

Thank you all for your understanding

MrVegas Spielothek Beschwerden

  • 1 von 4 gelöst
  • 3 Tagen Durchschn. Antwortzeit
  • 4 Tagen Durchschn. Lebensdauer
  • 1,222 USD Durchschn. Betrag

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