FortuneJack Casino - Account closure and money confiscated



Unseriöses Casino

FortuneJack Casino


$ 152

Veröffentlicht am 1. April 2024

my account was canceled even though I didn't break any rules from T&C. My account was fully verified. After placing 2 sport bets (both won) the account was closed and all my money were confiscated. I contacted the support and was told that according T&C casino can close the account without telling me the reason and confiscate all my money.

Veröffentlicht am 1. April 2024

Dear @fraspa95,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team kindly asks you to clarify the total amount of the disputed payment/s.

Please keep in mind that, as per the AGCCS Guidelines, providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks for cooperating with the AskGamblers Complaint Team.

Veröffentlicht am 2. April 2024

Hello, FRASPA96 and the Askgamblers Team,

We have completed a thorough investigation of the case and would like to present our findings:

The account (FRASPA95) in question was blocked because the provider identified it as a bot involved in arbitrage betting (ARB). We have requested an official letter from Betby detailing the case and will forward it to your support email upon receipt.

In the meantime, we are providing all evidence from our system, along with sections of the Terms and Conditions (T&C) that were breached by the OP.

After reviewing the whole case, our team is convinced that the platform was abused. However, as a gesture of goodwill, we are willing to refund the entire deposit amount — $151.36 to the OP.


tokash | Community Team Lead

Veröffentlicht am 2. April 2024

thank you for a quick respond. I agree with your proposal to refund my entire deposit amount. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht am 2. April 2024

Dear @fraspa95,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to update your complaint in a timely manner and confirm if you consider the issue resolved. Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe we will consider your case resolved and it will be closed accordingly.

Please keep in mind that as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaint system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Veröffentlicht am 2. April 2024

To initiate the refund, kindly provide us with your cryptocurrency address by sending it to our support email at suppor­t@f­ort­une­jac­

Veröffentlicht am 2. April 2024

I sent you the requested data to your email. Please let me know as soon as the withdrawal is processed.

Thank you.

Veröffentlicht am 3. April 2024

I can confirm I received my deposit. You can close the ticket.

Thank you.

Veröffentlicht am 3. April 2024

Dear @fraspa95,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team is kindly asking you to clarify the total amount of the disputed withdrawal request/s before we may close the complaint.

Please keep in mind that, as per the AGCCS Terms and Guidelines which you accepted upon registering and using our complaints system, you are obliged to provide the necessary level of assistance and cooperation during the process and providing updates in a timely manner is a must.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Veröffentlicht am 3. April 2024

the total amount was 152USDT. Thank you.

Veröffentlicht am 4. April 2024

Hello, we're pleased to inform you that the refund has been successfully processed.

Dear AskGamblers team, please consider this complaint resolved and close it accordingly.

Thank you.