BC.Game Casino - Deposit not credited to my bc game account vide order Id F1820504056656821167


Informação da reclamação

Cassino em disputa

BC.Game Casino


₹ 50000

Postado em 20 de janeiro de 2025


I made a deposit of Rs 50000 on 6-1-2025 at 6:23 pm through upi payzapp to my Bc game account vide Account id no 15193228. Payment was completed successfully from my side but the support staff of Bc game says that the merchant hasn't received payment. I sent them all the evidences which they told me to send and clearly it confirms payment is successful from my end but they still refuse to accept it and say merchant hasn't received payment. I can send you all the evidences. Kindly help me out with this. That will be your kindness

Thank you

Casino - Bc game

Order Id F-1820­504­056­656­821167

Amount - Rs 50000

Utr number - 500645449059

Date of transaction - 6-1-2025

Time - 6:23 pm

Postado em 22 de janeiro de 2025

Dear BC.Game Casino,

Please let us know if there are any updates regarding this ongoing complaint.

Please note that, in case you fail to respond within the given timeframe, we will consider your case unresolved and it will be closed accordingly. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Postado em 23 de janeiro de 2025

I sent them all the evidences but no reply from bc game yet

Postado em 23 de janeiro de 2025

Bc game live support staff says that merchant hasn't received payment for this transaction. But it's clear that payment has been completed successfully from my side as all the evidences which I sent them shows it clearly. And bank confirms same that payment is successful from my side. And they are not creating further tickets as well saying investigation has been completed and we cannot help further contact your bank . This is so disappointing from bc game. Please help me out and help me get my money back
Thank you

Postado em 23 de janeiro de 2025


Please provide the order number, bank statement from the date of transaction to today, and a video proof. Please follow the guidelines for video proof, as mentioned below. You can send this video to [email protected]. Please also mention the link to this complaint for verification.

Steps to follow for video proof:

1. Prepare two devices: one to execute the appeal process and the other to record the entire procedure. If using a computer, ensure the website URL is always visible.

2. Navigate to Google Play or the App Store on the first device.

3. Locate and launch your bank or payment service app by searching for it in the store.

4. Log into your banking app and conceal your password during the process.

5. Access and display your profile or account details, including the account name and number.

6. Proceed to the transaction history section and present the most recent transactions, covering both incoming and outgoing payments that correspond with the time of the purchase. These should be in the same currency and from the account used for the transaction.

7. To highlight a particular payment, select it from the transaction list to show its details.

8. Provide comprehensive information about the selected transaction, including the total amount in currency, sender/receiver's name, account number, transaction date and time, and current status.

Best Regards

Postado em 23 de janeiro de 2025

I sent the order Id, latest bank statement and video proof to [email protected]

Postado em 25 de janeiro de 2025


Thank you for providing the requested documents. The deposit has been credited to your BC.GAME account.

Best Regards
Panda - BC.GAME

Postado em 25 de janeiro de 2025

Yes deposit has been credited. Thank you so so much 🙏

Postado em 25 de janeiro de 2025

Dear all,

As apparent from the submitter's latest post, the AskGamblers Complaint Team is pleased to announce the case has been resolved and closed.

We thank both parties for their assistance during the complaint process.

BC.Game Casino Reclamações

  • 153 de 179 resolvida
  • há 1 dia resposta méd.
  • há 1 semana vida útil méd. da reclamação
  • 6,520 USD valor médio

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