LeoVegas Casino - Account as been locked



Unseriöses Casino

LeoVegas Casino


£ 5440.2

Immyamz88 Vereinigtes Königreich
Veröffentlicht am 17. Januar 2023

I tried to place a bet on an online casino game and was told my bet exceeded the limit. I contact Leo Vegas the casino I’m playing with for them to say my account is under review and I would not be able to play or withdraw my money. They said someone would be in touch via email and that they didn’t have a time frame.

My current balance is £5440.20 if I can remember correctly. 2 days later I went to log in to be told my account was locked due to security reasons. I contacted them again and was told that someone would email me and that again they didn’t have a time frame.

I have seen other players have this issue and I refuse to wait weeks or months to gain access again to my account. I’m sorry but issues like this should take no longer than 24 hours to resolve. It has now been coming upto a month and I am still getting the same automated response!! All I’m being told is that my account is under review and it is locked due to security reasons. I have been told that the relevant department will email me but this hasn’t happened. I have been waiting ages keep getting told the same everyday!!

I sent 3 months worth of bank statements and 3 months payslips I can’t get as I don’t work on have emailed loads stating that Still waiting for a response and for my account restrictions to be lifted

All I keep getting told is to wait 3 to 5 days every 3 days And still with no reply or email it’s starting to be a JOKE

With all the bad reviews I’ve read I just want my money back in my account then I’m out!!!!

Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023


Thank you for contacting us.

I'm sorry to hear of the issues you have been experiencing with this. Unfortunately, due to GDPR and other information handling constraints relevant to your complaint, I am unable to look into this for you here.

I kindly ask that you email suppor­­­­­­­­­­t­­­@­­­­l­eov­ega­s.com detailing the above and putting: FAO Complaints Team as the subject line - We will then personally ensure that this is investigated further for you.

Thank you and have a great day!

Immyamz88 Vereinigtes Königreich
Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023

Dear Leo Vegas,

You have used that GDPR excuse across all of your complaints on here. GDPR is in place to protect your customers' sensitive information. You can easily redact sensitive information on this complaint forum. You know this, yet you use this as yet another tactic to delay payouts. I have sent an email to your [email protected] and suppor­­t-­c­a­@l­­eov­­eg­a­s.com with full details of the complaint, with the subject "FAO Complaints Team" as requested

Immyamz88 Vereinigtes Königreich
Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023

Unfortunately you're not even reading any of my replies, and instead are simply sending an automa­­te­d­/­co­­pie­­d&­p­asted response. GDPR doesn't stop you from resolving this complaint, stop using that as an excuse, you're absolutely pathetic.

If you couldn't talk about it due to GDPR, askgamblers wouldn't be a thing, but it is, so you're talking nonsense.

You're not replying to my emails. You send automated responses, and then automated emails saying my Proof of address is verified, and then not verified.

You're continuing to send me round in circles and are not fit for purpose as a casino.

I won't tolerate it.
I've attached proof of this - more automated emails.
If you need a reminder on the current state of play, see first complaint.
You have received all the proofs of address I have, including 2 months bank statements, screenshot of online banking with all details as you requested. To reiterate, you specifically asked for this.

You are incredibly slippery, and renege on all of what you say.

Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023


Thank you for contacting us.

We can assure you that if you have sent an email following all the steps we have explained previously, your email is already replied.

Thank you and have a great day!

Immyamz88 Vereinigtes Königreich
Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023

I haven’t received no emails from yous I keep getting told this for the last month!!!?? I have been going around in circles with LeoVegas casino I want something done about this today and my funds to be back in my bank account??? I have enough!!! And want something done TODAY!!! I have read all reviews on LeoVegas and it doesn’t look good at all

Immyamz88 Vereinigtes Königreich
Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023

By the way, you've said you're replying to my emails. I sent a 1000+ word complaint to your complaints team. Daniel replied on 18th January 2023, saying it would be looked into. You haven't even done anything about it.
This as been going on for a month!!!
Stop trying to steal my winnings!!!

Verify my account now.

Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023

Dear LeoVegas Casino,

The AskGamblers Complaint Team strongly encourages you to assist the player in order to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Please be notified that, should you fail to respond within the given timeframe, we will consider your case unresolved and it will be closed accordingly. As a direct consequence of such closure, the operator's ranking score on AskGamblers will be decreased accordingly.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023


Thank you for contacting us.

You have confirmed that we are replying to your emails so the case is being handled by the relevant team. We appreciate your patience and we will provide a solution as soon as possible.

Thank you and have a great day!

Immyamz88 Vereinigtes Königreich
Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023

As informed several times, GDPR is there to protect customers' sensitive data. You can easily respond with the details of the complaint without divulging my sensitive data. Stop hiding behind a protocol which is in place to help customers, and abusing it to hold onto my funds.

You're not dealing with this complaint. If you had of read my message. This in itself wouldn't be that bad, although you've driven me insane up to this point.

You have got to do better. Stop hiding

Immyamz88 Vereinigtes Königreich
Veröffentlicht am 18. Januar 2023

And you’ve only started replying as I got AskGamblers involved other then that I’ve not heard nothing from yous in a month it’s about time you start looking into this and stop with this nonsense and pay my funds back to me?????????

LeoVegas Casino Beschwerden

  • 144 von 158 gelöst
  • 1 Tag Durchschn. Antwortzeit
  • 1 Woche Durchschn. Lebensdauer
  • 4,554 USD Durchschn. Betrag

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