Say what you like, perhaps it was due to pure instincts, who knows, but after that disastrous $40 loss on my second deposit, I then decided to make only a miserably small third deposit of $10! This time around, no more bounty hunting - it was strictly for meeting up with my shorty Leprechaun friend, Finn. After a bad day, I was hoping to get a good day, and only Finn could give me that, so far, as far as I am concerned. Anyway, with just $10 to start playing with, it would simply be a matter of a short time before I would run out of credits, and to end the day with yet another dark gloom over my head.
As it turned out, that wasn't the case at all, very much to my delight! I guess Finn must have felt my sad feelings, or perhaps my Lady Luck had suddenly appeared to help me along, who knows, but that $10 credits gave me a most wonderful play, probably the best so far. How and why? Right from the start, Finn played his usual mesmerising flute music, several random features came in the base game, making my credits balance going yo-yo like crazy! Then the Free Spins games started coming too, at times within a short time, at other times taking a little bit longer, but always without taking off too much from my credits balance. This is how this Finn game is when the going is good!
I was playing for several hours with just $10! My balance went down to about $3+ several times, but also went way higher a few times too, as high as $75 at one time, but I was getting too greedy at that moment in time to make a withdrawal! Sheesh! Yeah, which gambler doesn't experience this, right? Anyway, after a few more times of going down to below $20, and a few more times of recovering back to about $50, I finally called it a day when my balance made it to $62 with a good Free Spins win. No more stupid attempts to try and get a bigger win - I quickly made a withdrawal! Hehehe. 40 minutes later, the money was in my Neteller account! Whoopie!